
Latest news and report from the Center for Translational Science

Following Translational Science Day on April 4, the Center for Translational Science (CRT) would like to highlight some recent changes at the Center. It has also published a report on its activities for the period 2014-2018.

CRT management, structure and missions

The management of the Center for Translational Science has changed since the departure of Stanislas Pol and Odile Gelpi. In January 2019, James di Santo was appointed as acting Director and Isabelle Cailleau as acting Deputy Director of the Center. The new management team would like to thank Stanislas Pol and Odile Gelpi for their leadership and their remarkable dedication to the Center over the past four years.

The CRT would also like to take this opportunity to reiterate its organizational structure and missions.

The CRT is composed of three complementary bodies:

  1. The Clinical Core

  2. The Clinical Investigation and Access to BioResources Platform (ICAReB)

  3. The Technology Core – the Cytometry & Biomarker UTechS

The CRT carries out six cross-cutting tasks to encourage and facilitate translational science:

  1. Providing integrated support to scientists involved in translational research.

  2. Setting up partnerships with medical facilities and attracting physicians to the campus.

  3. Encouraging the emergence of new translational projects and boosting their visibility.

  4. Developing links with patient associations.

  5. Modernizing clinical research tools.

  6. Advancing clinical research within the Institut Pasteur International Network.

The CRT has published an online report about its activities since it was set up (2014-2018). The report contains information about the Center's main areas of action, with charts, key performance indicators and future activities.

It is available in French and in English.
