quality of working life

Creating a better working environment: preventing sensitive situations

The Human Resources Department would like to tell you about a new reporting system for sensitive situations that has been introduced at the Institut Pasteur.

The aim of this system is to create a clear, logical procedure:

  • that everyone is familiar with;

  • that is applicable to the entire Institut Pasteur community;

  • that is used by all those closely involved in this issue.

The idea is to encourage effective prevention and make sure that any difficult, sensitive or complex interpersonal situations are reported as early as possible.

The system provides a helpful new  procedure for those already involved in this issue on campus (the unit for the prevention of psychosocial risks, staff representatives, local HR contacts, the Occupational Health Department, etc.).

It is part of a broader approach for the prevention of sensitive situations, which includes a number of ongoing and future initiatives to raise awareness of the issue.

It is also firmly in line with one of the cross-cutting priorities of the Strategic Plan: "Work more effectively together and empower each individual so as to create an attractive, collaborative working environment."

To find out more about the new system (in French)
