March 25, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
"Dear All,
New epidemics, due to emerging and re-emerging pathogens, are constantly developping. After Ebola, here is Zika!
As you are aware of, the Institut Pasteur is at the forefront of the fight. A most urgent challenge is to set up highly specific and sensitive diagnostic tests, both serology-and molecular-based.
A specific action has been initiated, in the context of the Center for Global Health, and the Outbreak Investigation Task Force which is being coordinated by Maria Van Kerkhove. Within the task force, actions on diagnostic are being coordinated by Elodie Brient-Litzler, deputy director of the Center for Innovation and Technological research (CITECH).
In this context, we will need to take advantage (likely for shorts periods of time, depending however on the projects) of the expertize of some technicians and engineers on the campus.
Thus, some of you will be contacted by Isabelle Pelletier-Doucement, deputy director of the human resources departement. I am fully aware of the organisational difficulties which can be generated (the heads of research units and departments will be closely included in this move) but I do trust you will understand that this is part of our mission at Pasteur.
Best regards"
Christian Bréchot