July 12, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Scientific Information Resources Center (CeRIS) will be screening a selection of science documentaries from its DVD collection on campus every Tuesday from July 16 to August 6, 2019. The July documentaries will be screened at 1.30pm and the August one at 12.30pm in the Jules Bordet room (on the ground floor of the Metchnikoff building (building 67)).
What’s on this summer:
Tuesday July 16 - Madagascar : le retour de la peste [Madagascar: the plague's return] (report)
Directed by Catherine Monfajon, 2018 (28 mins)
Tuesday July 23 - L’intelligence artificielle va-t-elle nous dépasser ? [Will artificial intelligence overtake us?]
Directed by Thibaut Martin and Guilain Depardieu, 2018 (52 mins)
Tuesday July 30 - Alzheimer à visage humain [Alzheimer's - The Human Face Of The Disease]
Directed by Marc Wolfensberger, 2014 (52 mins)
Tuesday August 6 - Comment j’ai détesté les maths [How I came to hate maths]
Directed by Olivier Peyon, 2013 (1 hr 38 mins)
DVDs from the CeRIS library collection are available on loan:
- by visiting the library (CIS – second floor), Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.
- by contacting marie.martin@pasteur.fr, ext. 8068