April 29, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Researchers at the Institut Pasteur have assessed the transmission potential of four populations of Aedes mosquitoes in circulation on the island of Madeira and southern France with a view to examining various possible scenarios for the introduction of Zika virus to Europe. Their work suggests that the Aedes aegypti mosquito present in Madeira is more likely to promote local transmission of Zika virus than Aedes albopictus. Consequently, it appears that the risk of a Zika epidemic in continental Europe is still low.
Institut Pasteur hosted the two day International Zika Summit at the Institut Pasteur Paris campus.
Bacterial genomes generally contain a single chromosome and one or more extrachromosal elements such as plasmids.
Following the favorable opinion issued by the Scientific Council in March 2016, the Stroma, Inflammation and Tissue Repair Unit will be set up on May 2, 2016.
To help scientists at the Institut Pasteur's Paris campus find new funding and identify relevant opportunities offered by foreign funding bodies...
The Institut Pasteur's long-standing partner Sanofi is renewing its commitment in 2016 by organizing the Sanofi-Institut Pasteur Awards for the fifth year running. These annual awards are given in recognition of innovative research that has the potential to generate real progress in life sciences. The "Senior" and "Mid-Career" awards are open to the international research community, while the two "Junior" prizes are awarded at national level.
The next lecture organized by the Scientific Council - "Plus-strand RNA virus macro-evolution: last stand of poliovirus, the bad guy of the gang" - will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2016.
Every year, several young researchers' organizations - including StaPa, the Institut Pasteur's association for young researchers - run the BIOTechno Forum in Paris.
The Hub of Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Integrative Biology at the Institut Pasteur organizes thematic courses open to everybody.
As recently announced, the Institut Pasteur is in a position to award individual profit-sharing bonuses this year in respect of the financial year 2015. Payment of the bonuses was triggered when the Institut Pasteur met the performance criteria laid down in the agreement signed last year by the management and unions. Over the next few days, at the beginning of May, each beneficiary of the profit-sharing scheme will receive a personal letter at their home address from Natixis Interépargne...
On Tuesday, April 26, the Science Accueil organization ran an information session on the French income tax system.
The speaker will be Philippe Pouletty, co-founder and Managing Director of Truffle Capital, a leading European venture capital company.
• PubMed - My NCBI: useful tips and tricks
• EndNote
We'll look forward to seeing you again on May 13.
• Réseau Franco-Néerlandais (FRNL) - Bourses Eole 2016 session printemps
Deadline : 30/04/2016
• Institut National du Cancer (INCa) - Subventions doctorales 2016 Epidémiologie, Santé publique et cancer
Deadline : 10/05/2016
• Ministère de l'Education Nationale, de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR) - Contrats doctoraux handicap : campagne nationale 2016
Deadline : 10/05/2016 (12:00)
• Ministère de l’éducation et de la science de la Fédération de Russie - appel à propositions dans le cadre du programme Megagrant
Deadline : 31/05/2016 (12:00, heure de Moscou)
• Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPI AMR) - 4th Joint Call “Call for Transnational Networks/Working Groups within the Joint Programming Inititative on Antimicrobial Resistance”
Deadline : 06/06/2016 (17:00 CET)
• Pour le Brésil, l’Université de São Paulo ; pour la France, le ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement international (MAEDI) et le ministère de l’Education nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR) - Programme USP-COFECUB
Deadline : 08/06/2016
• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Exploratory Grants in Cancer Epidemiology and Genomics Research (R21)
Deadline : Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 16/06/2016
• Fondation maladies rares - Call 2016 ‘Preclinical Research in rare diseases: translational steps in large animals’ Development of experimental models and evaluation of therapeutic strategies
Deadline : 28/06/2016 (17:00)
• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Understanding HIV Rebound (P01)
Deadline : 29/06/2016 (Letter of Intent)
• Leucémie Myéloïde Chronique (LMC) - Appel à projets de recherche
Deadline : 30/06/2016
• The French Foundation for rare diseases (Fondation maladies rares) / French National Infrastructure TEFOR - Call 2016 : ‘Small animal models and rare diseases’
Deadline : 05/07/2016 (17:00)
• IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative) : IMI2 - call 9
Deadline : 26/07/2016
• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Innovation for HIV Vaccine Discovery (R01)
Deadline : 01/08/2016
• National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Leveraging Cognitive Neuroscience to Improve Assessment of Cancer Treatment-Related Cognitive Impairment (R01)
Deadline : Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 13/10/2016