
Lecture - "From bioeconomics to biobanks: the social impact of using the human body"

The Ethics Unit is pleased to invite you to a lecture given by Professor Céline Lafontaine (Université de Montréal) on Tuesday May 24, 2016, from 2 to 4pm in the François Jacob auditorium:

"From bioeconomics to biobanks: the social impact of using the human body"


This lecture will be introduced by François Rougeon, Emeritus Professor and Mediator for the Institut Pasteur Ethics Committee, and will be followed by an opportunity to exchange views.


The lecture is open to all and is free of charge.


Online registration is required


  • To find out more, please contact


csm_lafontaine_c_2f0870186f.jpg 41niai8bh8l._sx338_bo1204203200_.jpg 412f2okybtl._sx338_bo1204203200_.jpg Céline Lafontaine is a full professor in the Sociology Department of the Université de Montréal. Her research focuses on the social, cultural and symbolic aspects of technoscience. She is interested in the social and ethical dimensions of regenerative medicine and nanomedicine, especially stem cell use and commercialization. She is currently embarking on a research program looking at 3D printing of human tissues and organs. Her publications include "La société postmortelle. L'individu, la mort et le lien social à l'ère des technosciences" (2008) and "Le corps-marché. La marchandisation de la vie humaine à l'ère de la bioéconomie" (2014), both with Éditions du Seuil.
