Human resources

Changes to internal mobility procedures and rollout of a new job exchange on the Career Portal

The internal mobility scheme for employees (excluding scientists) has recently been updated to improve the visibility of vacancies and simplify procedures for internal applications:

  • an internal memo sets out clear common guidelines for internal mobility (general principles, deadlines and conditions for implementation) and reiterates the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the process (employees, managers, the Human Resources Department and the Scientific Careers Department).

  • a new online "Job Exchange" is being launched on the Career Portal (Talentsoft), replacing the former vacancies page on Webcampus.

Consult the new procedures


Information sessions to find out more

To guide you and provide more details about the new Job Exchange, short campus information sessions will be held in the Retrovirus room in the Lwoff building:

- Tuesday October 15, 12 noon-1pm

- Thursday October 17, 2-3pm

Please sign up via the following link

To consult available resources – the internal memo, FAQ, practical guide, etc. – please go to the Webcampus page.

In practice

The new Job Exchange is available via the Career Portal (Talentsoft).

All vacancies for permanent positions are now published on the Job Exchange (including positions in the Institut Pasteur International Network).

You can consult internal vacancies and apply directly via the portal. You can also monitor your applications in your personal space and set up alerts with criteria that interest you.

Check out the Job Exchange at  > MON TALENTSOFT > Bourse à l'emploi

Vacancies for fixed-term positions (support staff and research engineering positions) may be consulted on the external website at and are open for applications.

The new internal mobility procedures apply to all Institut Pasteur staff apart from scientists. Internal mobility procedures for scientists remain unchanged.

To find out more, consult the Scientific Careers Department page (

Your contacts

To apply for an internal vacancy (excluding scientists):

- go to the Job Exchange

- the Recruitment Department will conduct internal recruitment interviews for non-scientific staff (excluding engineers), in cooperation with the future manager

- applications from engineers are assessed by the Scientific Careers Department/MAASCC in cooperation with the future manager

For career guidance:
- your local HR contacts are on hand to talk about any careers matters.

NB: engineers (and scientists) can receive support from the Careers Committee, managed by the Scientific Careers Department and the MAASCC.

If you have any questions about the Job Exchange on the Career Portal (Talentsoft), please send an email to
