November 08, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
"Bibliography tools under the microscope" workshop
The aim of bibliography management software is to simplify the task of managing bibliographical references for scientists writing articles. With a host of software available – including EndNote, Mendeley, Papers, ReadCube and Zotero – how can you tell which will be best suited to your needs?
This workshop will help you find your way around bibliography management software by presenting the specific features of each of these tools.
The workshop is open to everyone, both French and English speakers. It will take place on Friday November 22 from 12 noon to 2pm in the CeRIS training room on the second floor of the CIS building.
For more information, please contact:
The Scientific Information Resources Center (CeRIS) is on hand to help you self-archive your scientific publications and to tell you more about open access. It will be running a HAL-Pasteur open archive training session on Thursday November 14, from 2 to 4pm in French, and from 5 to 7pm in English.
Come and find out about the new interface that makes it quicker and easier to submit articles to the HAL-Pasteur platform!
Open Access at the Institut Pasteur: first incentive via the COMESP
Publication of the Act for a Digital Republic in the French Official Journal on Saturday October
All articles based on EU-funded research must be submitted to an open archive.
The session is open to everyone. It will be held in the training room on the second floor of the CIS building.
To sign up to the session in French, log into Webcampus
To sign up to the session in English, log into Webcampus