November 22, 2019
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Once per year, the European Society of Pediatric Endocrinology give the "Henning-Andersen award in Pediatric Endocrinology" which recognizes of excellence in basic research in all fields of pediatric endocrinology.
This year, Anu Bashamboo, in the Human Developmental Genetics Unit, Department of Development and Stem Cell Biology, was awarded this prize for the development of novel, ex-vivo cellular models using directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells in the somatic cells of the gonad, as well as 3D organoid (organ on a chip) approaches.
The prize was awarded for her group's work in developing new approaches for understanding a classic model in developmental biology - the fundamental molecular mechanism of human sex-determination and cell fate choice in the human gonad.