January 31, 2025
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In December 2014, the Institut Pasteur announced that it would be launching four calls for proposals in 2015, including the ValoExpress call. The deadline for this call is July 15.
The calls are fully integrated in the strategy of the Institut Pasteur to foster international collaborative research within the Institut Pasteur International Network (IPIN) and contribute to medical innovative solutions for major health issues globally.
About ValoExpress :
♦ Funders: Institut Pasteur and Institut Carnot Pasteur Maladies Infectieuses
♦ Purpose:
To support innovative concepts with significant applicative potentials. Any type of research projects from the Institut Pasteur are welcome, either early-stage (no intellectual property) or advanced ones (intellectual property).
♦ Duration: maximum of 12 months.
♦ Budget: €25,000 to €30,000 per research project (operational costs only)
- Template (in English) to be returned to sppi@pasteur.fr (electronic version plus signed hard copy version with exception to e-copy signed and scanned).
♦ Submission deadlines:
• At the latest July 15, 2015: funding start date on October 1, 2015
• At the latest September 15, 2015: funding start date on December 1, 2015
♦ Objectif : soutenir l'émergence de coopérations scientifiques de haute qualité entre les deux pays par le soutien à la mobilité de chercheurs français et iraniens.
♦ Domaine : toutes les disciplines scientifiques sont éligibles ; quelques thèmes prioritaires ont été définis pour cette session : Sciences de la vie, Médecine et santé.
♦ Eligibilité : La participation active de jeunes chercheurs, en particulier doctorants ou post-doctorants, est un des tout premiers critères de sélection.
♦ Durée : deux ans
♦ Financement : Les moyens accordés par la France couvrent exclusivement le paiement des indemnités de séjour et les voyages des chercheurs.
♦ Deadline : 15/07/2015 (co-depôt des dossiers)
♦ Purpose: to advance our understanding of the risks, development, progression, diagnosis, and treatment of malignancies observed in individuals with an underlying HIV infection or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) through research directed at addressing one of several proposed "Provocative Questions" (PQs). These PQs are meant to challenge researchers to think about and elucidate specific problems and paradoxes in key areas of AIDS-related cancer research that are deemed important but have not received sufficient attention.
♦ Budget and Project Period: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The total project period may not exceed 5 years.
♦ Application Due Date(s):
• Letter of Intent due date: 30 days before application due date
• Application Due Date(s): August 18, 2015; August 18, 2016
♦ Deadline: plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 17/07/2015 (lettre d'intention)
♦ Purpose: to support post-doctoral research visits to laboratories throughout Europe and the world*. International exchange is a key feature in the application process.
♦ Duration: for a period of up to two years. This may be up to three years if the receiving institute is in Singapore.
♦ Deadline : 10/08/2015 (14:00 CEST)
♦ Objectif :
• Promouvoir et soutenir la coopération scientifique et technologique entre les chercheurs français et kényans;
• Développer de nouveaux partenariats promouvant des idées innovantes ;
• Renforcer les capacités des jeunes chercheurs.
♦ Champ : Tous les domaines de recherche sont éligibles.
♦ Financement: Prise en charge de la mobilité des chercheurs (dont les doctorants et post-doctorants) entre les deux pays, à savoir : le transport international, l’hébergement et les per diem (incluant l’assurance).
♦ Deadline : 15/09/2015 (co-dépôt des dossiers)
♦ Objectif : développer les échanges scientifiques et technologiques d'excellence entre les laboratoires de recherche publics ou privés en favorisant les nouvelles coopérations.
♦ Domaines : Biotechnologie, Nanosciences, Biodiversité.
♦ Durée : un ou deux ans
♦ Financement : Les moyens accordés par la France couvrent exclusivement le paiement des indemnités de court séjour et les voyages des chercheurs français dans la limite de 2 séjours par an et par projet.
♦ Deadline : 18/09/2015 (co-dépôt des dossiers)
♦ Purpose : to invite applications addressing ethical issues relevant to research on HIV and associated co-morbidities, including research with populations living with or at high risk of HIV acquisition.
♦ Budget and Project Period: The combined budget for direct costs for the two year project period may not exceed $275,000. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year. The maximum project period is 2 years.
♦ Application Due Date(s): January 7, 2016; September 7, 2016; January 7, 2017; September 7, 2017; January 8, 2018
♦ Deadline: Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 07/01/2016
♦ Purpose: to characterize the genetic variations in human genomic regions that have been putatively associated with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and conduct follow-up functional studies of particular genetic variants.
♦ Budget and Project Period: Budget limited to a maximum of $600,000 in Direct Costs each year - The maximum project period is 5 years.
♦ Application Due Date(s): January 17, 2016 (Letter of Intent)
♦ Deadline : 17/01/2016 (Letter of intent)
♦ Purpose : to support collaborative translational research projects aligned with NIH efforts to enhance the translation of basic biological discoveries into clinical applications that improve health. It encourages high quality science demonstrating the potential to result in understanding an important disease process or lead to new therapeutic interventions, diagnostics, or prevention strategies within the research interests and priorities of the participating NIH Institutes/Centers.
♦ Budget and Project Period: Application budgets need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum amount available per application is $500,000 direct costs. The maximum project period is 4 years.
♦ Application Due Date(s): April 11, 2016; April 11, 2017; April 11, 2018
♦ Deadline: Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 11/04/2016