
TV premiere of the documentary Invasion moustiques

Tomorrow, Saturday June 25, 2016, at 7pm, the TV premiere of the documentary Invasion moustiques, by Patrice Desenne and Frédéric Létang, will air on France 5. This 52-minute film, produced by Grand Angle, is part of the ambitious new documentary collection L'Empire des sciences, a special summer science series first introduced by the channel last year.




Invasion moustiques is a co-production between the French Research Institute for Development (IRD) and the Institut Pasteur, with the participation of Anna-Bella Failloux and teams from the Institut Pasteur in Cambodia.


emi_678698.jpg In Brazil, Africa, South-East Asia and southern Europe, four mosquito species are spreading dangerous viruses and parasites to humans. As vectors for dengue, malaria and other infectious diseases, they use climate change, population movements and mass transportation to their advantage to expand their geographical range. They resist strategies introduced by humans to protect themselves. But there are scientists working in the field, experimenting with new and often surprising techniques to combat them.


Don't miss this documentary!


Invasion moustiques will be repeated on June 27 at 2.50pm and on July 6 at 11.25pm.
