January 24, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The Social and Economic Committee (CSE) was officially set up on January 1, 2020. The CSE is the new staff representative body resulting from the merger of all previous staff representative bodies, the staff representatives, the Works Council and the Hygiene, Safety and Working Conditions Committee (CHSCT).
Like the Works Council, the CSE will continue to send out a wide range of information for staff on campus concerning practical issues, social events, travel, leisure and available grants.
The CSE will now share information with Institut Pasteur staff via a single weekly electronic newsletter, sent out every Thursday morning to all employees who have signed up to receive it. Each issue will contain the latest news from all the various CSE committees.
If you were registered for the previous Works Council newsletter, which will soon publish its final issue, you will need to sign up again to receive the CSE newsletter.
To do so, simply go to the Website
If you do not yet have a CSE account, write to CSEsocial@pasteur.fr