
Inception – New calls for proposals in 2020

  • Inception - Call for Interdisciplinary Research Projects (P2I)

The Inception, program, supported by the call Institut Convergence des Investissements d'Avenir, is launching a call for collaborative, transversal and interdisciplinary projects aimed at understanding the emergence of pathologies through individuals and populations.

250k € maximum for 2 years (human resources/running/equipment).

“Proof of Concept” project : 75k€ maximum for 1 year (human resources/running costs)

The call "Proof of Concept" concerns ambitious and risky projects for which there are only limited preliminary results. The ambition of the project will have to be clearly demonstrated, notably relative to the literature. Depending on the results obtained, the beneficiaries will be able to claim a supplementary budget of up to 250k€ (i.e. an additional budget of 175k€), given a balance sheet and a report about the results and an update on the planned project.

Application and eligibility
The call is open to all research units/teams of Institut Pasteur (G5 included) and to all those listed on the Inception website. The project must meet the following criteria:
• Interdisciplinary project on the emergence of pathologies, combining two or more fields from biology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, social sciences ...
• The cross-cutting nature must be clearly demonstrated, as well as its added value to answer the questions addressed in the project
• Collaboration between two or more research teams in complementary areas of expertise. One of the research teams leading the project must be affiliated with the Institut Pasteur (Paris); The other research team(s) must be affiliated to Institut Pasteur or another partner of Inception.
• Projects may also include the participation of additional teams not affiliated to an Inception partner. However, the budget allocated by Inception will not cover the expenses of these teams.

Submission procedure -Two Steps
1)    Applicants must send a letter of intent including the title of the project, the teams involved and the principal investigators, a public summary of 200 words, the proposed budget and its justification in the outline (First page of the full template : Arial font 11, single pdf document)
2)    Applications selected in step 1 will be invited to send a full project (maximum of 7 pages, including references, Arial font 11, single pdf document)
The full template is available here.

Applications (step 1 & 2) should be sent to They will be evaluated by the Inception steering committee with the help of international experts, for an implementation on January, 1st 2020.

For questions, please contact

Key dates
Step 1
•    Call opens February, 6th, 2020
•    Call closes March, 23rd, 2020
Step 2
•    Call opens April, 1st, 2020
•    Call closes June 2nd, 2020
•    Selection by the Inception Steering Committee: October 2020
•    Funding starts: January 1,  2021



  • Inception - PhD student Funding 2020 (D2I)

The Inception program, supported by the call Institut Convergence des Investissements d'Avenir, is launching a call for the recruitment of PhD students in transversal and interdisciplinary projects aimed at understanding the emergence of pathologies in individuals and populations.

Search profiles
The selection of projects will be based on the following criteria :
• quality and interdisciplinary nature of the project
• scientific excellence of supervisors and host teams
• academic excellence of the student : interest in life sciences and medical applications, solid training in the following fields : mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, social sciences

Application and eligibility
The call is open to all research units/teams of Institut Pasteur (G5 included) and to all those listed on the Inception website.
The selected projects should convene to main subjects of the Inception program and should meet the following criteria:
• Interdisciplinary project on the emergence of pathologies, associating biology, medicine, mathematics, statistics, computer science, physics, social sciences ...
• the cross-cutting nature and its added value to respond to questions addressed in the project must be clearly demonstrated.
• co-supervision between two teams belonging to complementary fields of competence
• at least one reserach team must be affiliated with the Institut Pasteur (Paris); The other research team (s) must be affiliated to Inception (see website).
• Registration to the ED FIRE contest, partner of Inception, is recommended but not mandatory. The PhD registration acceptance by one doctoral school will be asked for all the candidates interviewed in June.

The candidate for the fellowship must send a single pdf document before April 01, 2020 to (template available here)
Selected candidates and project supervisors will be interviewed by the steering committee of the Inception program.
Results will be released after these interviews (Beginning of July 2020).

Dates of the call
• Opening date: February, 6th, 2020
• Closing: April 01st, 2020
• Selection (short list) and interviews of selected applicants by Inception Steering Committee: June 2020
• Funding: October 2020 – September 2023

Contact :
