
Upcoming "Start-up breakfast" sessions on February and March

For several  reasons, the next two start-up breakfasts will be very close, one on Thursday February 27 welcomes Eunhye Kim, the other one on Tuesday March 3 welcomes Gérard Saillant. Both have very different profiles.


  • « Start-up breakfast » on Thursday February 27, 2020

The next Start-up breakfast, will be held on Thursday February 27, 2020 at 8.30am on the first floor, François Jacob centre, CFJ 28-01-01A room. Our guest is Eunhye Kim.

Eunhye Kim received her Ph.D. from the University of Paris Panthéon - Sorbonne in the field of Urban planning. After her Ph.D., she worked as a postdoc at Paris’ Interdisciplinary Energy Research Lab (LIED), University of Paris - Diderot. Her researches focused on Urban metabolism, environmental imprint, material flow analysis, urban energy system. In 2018, she created the start-up “Citésource” dedicated to urban metabolism analysis and circular economy. Citésource has several projects in Grand Paris region related to building material stocks and flows in Paris region.  

Eunhye will talk about how she created her start-up from her project and will share her experiences as a beginner entrepreneur.


  • « Start-up breakfast » on Tuesday March 3

The following Start-up breakfast will be held on Tuesday March 3, at 8.30am, in Salle Duclaux second floor. Our guest is Professor Gérard Saillant.

Gérard Saillant is an orthopaedic surgeon at Hôpital La Pitié-Salpêtrière who is specialized into spine surgery and management of sport traumas. He was Dean of the Medical School. In 2010 he cofounded the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière (ICM) and is since the president of this institution. The ICM is an interdisciplinary institution that gathers in the same buiding more than 600 researchers, engineers, medical doctors and entrepreneurs in Neurosciences. It is an unique model worldwide. Many start-ups have emerged from ICM.

Gérard Saillant will exchange with you on his experience with ICM, on his ambition to mix-up researchers and clinicians,  and on his vision of entrepreneurship as the way to disseminate to the patients the work of researchers.

Come and learn from his formidable experience.

To register, send a mail to Dominique Franco (, Marc Chevalier (, or Jong Eun Ihm (
