
Report on the "Team-up for Start-up" event

On January 28, the Institut Pasteur held the first edition of an event aimed at the health innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Paris, with the aim of giving project leaders and young start-ups the opportunity to find new members for their operational teams. The event, entitled "Team-up for Start-up", was attended by 16 project leaders,* who presented their innovative technologies to more than 200 contributors (mostly recognized professionals in the health industry). The Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department (DARRI) coordinated the event, which enjoyed the support of 21 partners.**

Two Institut Pasteur project leaders presented their innovations:

  • Icypro, represented by Elodie Brient-Litzler and Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin: The aim of the Icypro project is to transfer the expertise and advanced bioimage analysis solutions developed at the Institut Pasteur to fields where they will have a real impact for patients.

  • Vaccines 4 Communities (V4C), represented by Anavaj Sakuntabhai and Pascal Breton: V4C is a future start-up spun off from the Institut Pasteur which aims to offer disease prevention to those who need it most. V4C will firstly concentrate on the development of a combined vaccine for dengue and Zika viruses, which remains a major unmet medical need.

The aim of the event was to offer project leaders and/or young start-ups in the stages of incubation or acceleration the opportunity to meet people interested in contributing to the development of their projects, whether as an external resource, an associate or a potential co-founder. There was also an opportunity to express an interest in collaborating with the Institut Pasteur's research laboratories, especially for projects developed at partner institutes or within other ecosystems.

If you would like to find out more and/or be informed of future events in this area, please contact Marc Chevalier – Start-up Program Manager (DARRI) –


*A brief description of the projects is available here.

**List of partners: Institut Imagine, Brain and Spine Institute (ICM), Institut Curie, Institut Gustave Roussy, Université PSL, Genopole, Agoranov, Paris Biotech Santé, Wilco, SATT Paris-Saclay, EUR GENE, Deeptech Founders, Hub HEC Santé, LallianSe, DIM ELICIT, Find your Cofounder, AI for Health, and the Institut Pasteur's Pasteur-Paris University (PPU) International Doctoral Program (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2014 PASTEURDOC). The event was supported by Bpifrance and the Greater Paris Regional Council. We Are One volunteered to help run the evening.
