September 02, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
At the Pasteur Medicine Quarter-Hour sessions, two doctors give a brief presentation to Institut Pasteur scientists on the diseases they are involved in treating. Ideally, they start by describing one or more clinical cases before going on to provide a short description of the disease. They conclude by looking at unanswered questions relating to the disease that still need to be addressed.
The next session will take place on Wednesday September 7 at 5.30pm in the François Jacob auditorium.
Come along for:
What we know about autoimmune diseases - Mathieu Mahevas (Henri Mondor Hospital)
Lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome - Nathalie Costedoat (Cochin Hospital)
Here's a sneak preview of the following sessions, all at 5.30pm in the François Jacob auditorium. Make sure you note the dates in your diary!
• Graft-versus-host disease - Gérard Socié (Saint-Louis Hospital)
• Bone marrow transplants in treating leukemia - David Michonneau (Saint-Louis Hospital)
• Allergology - Rémy Couderc (Trousseau Hospital)
• Second speaker coming
• Breast cancer and resistance to treatment - Fabien Reyal (Institut Curie)
• Second speaker coming