June 26, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Have you been asked to draw up a Data Management Plan (DMP) without actually knowing what one is? Have you found yourself wondering how a DMP might be useful for you? Or have you had difficulties answering the questions you need to cover in a DMP?
This session is for you! The CeRIS will help you understand the questions that need to be answered in a DMP and introduce you to some data management best practices that you should try to adopt. You will find out how DMPs can be a valuable tool throughout the research process. Finally, this training will show you how to use two tools to draw up your DMP collaboratively: DMP OPIDoR and REDCap.
The session is open to all and is in English. It will take place via Microsoft Teams.
For more informations : biblioformation@pasteur.fr