COVID-19 – Useful information: Changes to the PBRP, signage of meeting rooms, air purifiers, useful email addresses

  • Changes to the PBRP from July 15

Since the health indicators for the outbreak in France are favorable and stable at this stage, the PBRP Committee has decided to continue with the resumption of activities on campus by easing some of the measures in our plan, while maintaining the distancing and hygiene measures laid down in the new national lockdown exit protocol for businesses adopted by the French Ministry of Employment on June 24.*
From July 15 onwards, 100% of staff will therefore be allowed to return to campus on a full-time basis.
The following new measures should be taken into account as from receipt of this email:
•    Exceptional authorization to work from home up to 3 days a week over the summer until the end of August, for staff who wish to do so and whose jobs can be performed from home. Staff working from home must liaise with their line manager to decide which days they will work on campus and which days they will work from home.
•    Masks must continue to be worn on campus in all situations or locations on campus where it is impossible to maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter from others (shared spaces, canteen, etc.). From Monday July 6, masks will only be distributed once a day from 9.30 to 11am in the modules under the canteen.
•    For those at risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19, as identified by the French High Council for Public Health (HCSP),** remote working is recommended. For those who are unable to work from home, if their working conditions mean that they are unable to maintain a physical distance of at least 1 meter from others at all times, the resumption of work is contingent on the implementation of enhanced hygiene measures: scrupulous hand hygiene, strict compliance with physical distancing and wearing a medical mask (surgical or FFP2, not a general-use mask). These enhanced hygiene measures also apply to staff over the age of 65 and retired scientists invited to the Institut Pasteur.
•    Specific situations will be examined on a case-by-case basis by managers and local HR contacts.
•    The GAIP application for out-of-hours campus access has been in use since Wednesday July 1 for requests to access campus at the weekend (from the weekend of July 4 and 5, 2020).
•    Regarding meetings, signs indicating the maximum number of people and applicable hygiene and distancing measures are displayed in all meeting rooms, except for lecture halls, which cannot be used except with prior permission from the PBRP Committee.
•    Hosting visitors, interns and retired scientists:
- external visitors are allowed onto campus for professional reasons, up to three people per appointment, unless special permission has been given by the members of the Senior Management Board to exceed this number;
- interns may once again be hosted on campus, as long as they are supervised, they comply with distancing and hygiene measures and they have permission from their supervisory authority;
- retired guest scientists may return to campus, as long as they comply with the enhanced distancing and hygiene measures outlined above.
The epidemic situation may change at any time and the PBRP Committee reserves the right to review the guidelines in force on campus over the summer. We will send out a new message before the start of the academic year in view of the latest health indicators in France, and especially in the Greater Paris region, to confirm whether activities can return to normal at the Institut Pasteur in September.
Many thanks in advance for your compliance with all these new measures. For those who will soon be setting off on holiday, have a great summer.
The PBRP Committee
* (in French – see the summary on page 8)



  • Reminder of measures about internal meetings, meetings with visitors and signage in meeting rooms

Pour rappel, et comme précisé pour la tenue des réunions dans le cadre des nouvelles mesures relatives au plan de reprise d’activité depuis le 22 juin dernier, les réunions sont à nouveau autorisées, sous réserve que les participants respectent à tout moment les mesures de distanciation physique d’au moins 1 mètre entre les personnes et du port du masque. Une signalétique du nombre maximum de personnes par salle est en cours de mise en place.

Standard data sheet that you can find at the entrance of each meeting room (click on the picture to zoom) :


L’accueil des visiteurs externes, y compris pour des réunions, pour motif professionnel est acceptable dans la limite de trois personnes par rendez-vous, sauf dérogation à cette limite validée par les membres du comité de direction.


  • Distribution of masks

From Monday July 6, masks will only be distributed once a day from 9.30 to 11am in the modules under the canteen.



  • GAIP application

The GAIP application for out-of-hours campus access has been in use since Wednesday July 1 for requests to access campus at the weekend (from the weekend of July 4 and 5, 2020). .



  • Installation of air purifiers in premises without windows and with insufficient ventilation

Following on from the measures implemented in connection with the resumption of activities on campus from May 11, 2020 and the measures to monitor and improve the circulation of air, the Technical Resources and Environment Department has drawn up a map of the various premises on campus, ranking them according to three levels:

1 - premises that meet the requirements for air circulation,
2 - premises with no windows and insufficient air circulation,
3 - premises that do not meet ventilation requirements and for which there are no alternative solutions.

Level 1 rooms will be accessible to staff provided that distancing and hygiene measures are adopted and the rooms are aired by regularly opening the windows.

Level 2 rooms will have a sign on the door and each room will be provided with an air purifier and a "Hygiabox" (to measure air quality).

Level 3 rooms will not be accessible.

Dyson air purifiers with a HEPA filter to trap pollutants will be distributed by the teams in the Equipment Center to a contact person for each room against signature of a delivery receipt.

The purifiers will be distributed during week of July 6, 2020.

During July, level 2 rooms will also be equipped with a Hygiabox to measure the level of CO2 in the air, so that people working in these rooms can monitor the air quality at all times.



  • Are you looking for specific information?  

Find the right person to contact for all your questions by consulting the list of useful email addresses:

•    Working arrangements:

-   Any questions about working from home (HR or IT issues) should be sent to:

- Any questions about measures for taking or carrying over paid leave and additional leave:

- For any maintenance or service requests:

- For any questions about the Business Continuity Plan:

•    Safety/security:

- To report any threats or harassment towards you or your staff as a result of a fake news story (by telephone and/or email):

- For any questions or incidents relating to the security of the Institut Pasteur's information system:

- If you receive any suspicious emails:

- If you require IT support:

•    Health:

- To contact the Occupational Health Department:

- If you need psychological support, appointments can be made by email at the following address. Please indicate your availability and provide a contact number:



