October 14, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The European Commission has launched its Marie Sklodowska-Curie call for proposals for the creation of European networks to foster doctoral mobility. The program provides training for researchers in Europe at all stages of their careers with the aim of training up a new generation of researchers by developing their potential for creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation. There are three types of grant:
• European Training Networks (ETNs)
European Training Networks should be composed of at least three beneficiaries based in different EU or associated countries. Participation of partners from outside academia is essential, and the joint supervision of young researchers is encouraged.
• European Industrial Doctorates (EIDs)
European Industrial Doctorates should have at least two beneficiaries - one academic partner and one partner from outside academia - based in two different EU or associated countries. The young researchers must be enrolled in a doctoral program.
• European Joint Doctorates (EJDs)
European Joint Doctorates should be composed of at least three beneficiary organizations based in different EU or associated countries and awarding PhDs. The aim of these networks is to create joint PhD programs awarding joint, double or multiple degrees.
The submission deadline is January 17, 2017.
To find out more, please contact David Itier: david.itier@pasteur.fr
Objectif : favoriser l’émergence de nouvelles connaissances et pratiques qui soient de nature à améliorer la qualité de vie des malades. Cet appel s'adresse à l'ensemble des équipes intervenant dans la prise en charge du myélome : médecins hématologues, spécialistes et chercheurs impliqués dans des recherches fondamentales ou cliniques.
Financement : Plusieurs projets seront financés avec des subventions maximales de 15.000 € ou 10.000 € par dossier, et à concurrence d’un budget global de 40 000 €.
En savoir plusDeadline : 01/11/2016
Purpose: to encourage new research into the identification, analysis, and treatment of HIV/AIDS and associated comorbidities impacted by alcohol use (e.g., Hep C, TB, Depression, HAND, other associated substance use, including medication polypharmacy)
Budget and duration: Application budgets may not exceed $500,000 direct cost per year. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Letter of Intent Due Date: November 2, 2016
Application Due Date(s) : December 2, 2016
To find out more
Deadline : 02/11/2016 (letter of intent)
Objectif :
- Permettre la réalisation de projets originaux, dans leurs objets et leurs approches, ambitieux et réalisables dans leurs objectifs ;
- Renforcer la recherche scientifique multidisciplinaire en associant aux équipes biomédicales des équipes partenaires issues d’autres disciplines scientifiques ;
- Stimuler la recherche sur des sujets émergents et innovants afin d’ouvrir de nouvelles perspectives dans notre compréhension des cancers.
Champ : ouvert à l’ensemble des domaines de la recherche cognitive et des disciplines scientifiques participant à la lutte contre le cancer. La soumission de projets ayant des contributions disciplinaires telles que la physique, la chimie, l’informatique et les mathématiques est fortement encouragée.
Eligibilité : Les projets devront associer au moins deux équipes appartenant à des unités de recherche et/ou à des organismes différents.
Durée : 36 ou 48 mois.
En savoir plus
Deadline : 03/11/2016 (lettre d'intention)
Objectif : récompenser un travail de recherche dans le domaine de la nutrition ou du comportement alimentaire, quelle que soit la discipline.
Eligibilité : jeunes chercheurs de moins de 35 ans, inscrits dans un établissement universitaire ou une école.
Montant : 10.000€
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Deadline : 07/11/2016
Purpose: to support research collaborations between Canada and select partner countries. The award is open to graduate students in all disciplines.
A call for proposals occurs twice a year, typically in January and September.
Eligibility: For students in Canada to do research abroad - Open to: senior undergraduates and graduate students at Canadian universities
For students in France to do research in Canada - Open to: M2 and PhD students at French universities
Funding: $7,000
Duration: 12–24 weeks
To find out more
Deadline : 09/11/2016
Objectif : allouer chaque année des bourses de mobilité pour les étudiants inscrits en France ou en Bavière qui prévoient d'effectuer un stage de recherche d'au moins un mois au sein d'un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou organisme de recherche du pays partenaire.
Dates limite de dépôt des dossiers: 15 avril et 15 novembre
En savoir plus
Deadline : plusieurs dates limites : prochainé échéance 15/11/2016
Purpose: To seek applications for proof-of-concept testing and development of new technologies and novel approaches for large scale recording and manipulation of neural activity to enable transformative understanding of dynamic signaling in the nervous system.
Budget and duration: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Awards are for three years of support.
Letter of Intent Due Date: 30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Date(s) : December 21, 2016, and October 18, 2017
To find out more
Deadline: Plusieurs dates limites : prochaine échéance 21/11/2016
Purpose: to accelerate the pace of translation of NCI-supported methods/assays/technologies (referred to as "assays") to the clinic. Specifically, the focus of this FOA is on the adaption and clinical validation of molecular/cellular/imaging markers (referred to as "markers" or "biomarkers") for cancer detection, diagnosis, prognosis, monitoring, and prediction of response to treatment, as well as markers for cancer control and prevention.
Budget and duration: Application budgets are limited to $150,000 in direct costs in any single year. There must be a minimum two years of support.
Letter of Intent Due Date: 30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Date(s) : February 28, 2017; July 11, 2017; October 27, 2017; February 27, 2018; July 11, 2018; October 26, 2018; February 27, 2019; July 11, 2019; October 28, 2019.
To find out more
Deadline : Plusieurs dates limites : prochaine échéance 28/01/2017
Purpose: to solicit research applications for milestone-driven projects focused on establishing proof-of-concept for and/or preclinical development of lead candidate vaccines targeting infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) and/or tuberculosis disease.
Budget and duration: Budgets for direct costs of up to $750,000 per year may be requested. Applicants may also request up to an additional $300,000 in direct costs in the first year. The maximum project period is 5 years.
Letter of Intent Due Date: 02/02/2017
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Dealine : 02/02/2017
Purpose: to support the development of a sustainable critical mass of bioethics scholars in low and middle income country (LMIC) research intensive institutions with the capabilities to conduct original empirical or conceptual ethics research that addresses challenging issues in health research and research policy in these countries as well as provide research ethics leadership to their institutions, governments and international research organizations.
Budget and duration: up to $230,000 direct costs per year for a project that may not exceed 5 years.
Letter of Intent Due Date: 30 days prior to the application due date
Application Due Date(s) : May 18, 2017, May 17, 2018*
To find out more
Deadline: Plusieurs dates limites : prochaine échéance 18/04/2017