October 21, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The training center in the Talent and Organization Development Department is running the following courses:
Option of signing up for just the theory part of the course.
Two half-days offering an introduction to sequence analysis (data banks, BLAST, multiple alignment, etc.).
Evolution models; parsimony, distance and maximum likelihood approaches, Bayesian approaches.
Dates: November 14-25, 2016 (in half-days)
Developing the rationale for your paper
General structure of the paper: mastering the organizational approach
Improving your written style
Dates: November 28-30, 2016 (Levels A2-B1-B2) – December 12-14, 2016 (Levels C1-C2)
Structuring your presentation
Developing spontaneity in your presentation and in discussions
Visual aids
Dates: January 25-27, 2017
Introduction: basic tools, compensation and transformation
Advanced: advanced tools, questions and answers
Dates: January 17, 2017 (Introduction, in French); January 18, 2017 (Introduction, in English); January 19, 2017 (Advanced, in English)
- Find out more about the economic and regulatory context
- Work with or in the health industry
- Entrepreneurship in biomedicine
The course is geared towards scientists, engineers, postdoctoral fellows and PhD students.
Dates: January 11-March 25, 2017 (11 days)
Practical details about these courses, including how to sign up, can be found on Webcampus.
The costs of these courses are covered for Institut Pasteur staff under the Training Plan.
Course costs are also covered for external (OREX) staff (except in some cases: please read the terms of registration carefully).
We would remind you that if you register for a training course, you must attend the entire course.