October 16, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Since the start of the year, the new Institut Pasteur logo has gradually been rolled out (see the February 28, 2020 issue of the newsletter).It has already been added to several Institut Pasteur brochures and stationery items, as well as to the pasteur.fr website, Webcampus, social media and, as you have undoubtedly noticed, every edition of the newsletter.
The façades and plaques of some buildings have also featured the 2020 logo since March. The latest building to display the logo, after a wholescale renovation of the façade – a project supported by the Institut Pasteur's works team – is the CIS building, which is now fully in line with this new visual identity.
The logo on the CIS building was "unveiled," in a manner of speaking, by Pasteurdon patron Alexandra Lamy, who came along specially for the Pasteurdon launch event on October 7 – a fitting way to highlight her support for the Pasteurian community.
The new logo will continue to be implemented on campus. In the next few months, it will feature at several building entrances, on the biographical panels that are planned to present each scientist after whom a building has been named.
Keep your eyes peeled!