
Biology for non-biologists course

Reminder: The training center in the Talent and Organization Development Department has teamed up with the Scientific Secretariat General to offer a Biology for non-biologists course. This course is designed for support services members and assistants of research units on the Institut Pasteur campus.



It comprises three key interrelated parts:

  • A "General public" part covering both biology basics and the key themes studied at the Institut Pasteur.

  • A practical part (procedures and observations) with a day spent at the Teaching Center.

  • A "Researcher's life" part with the aim of showing you how laboratories operate through the experience of staff, addressing issues such as students' career paths, the importance of scientific communication, seeking funding and ethics in research.

You can choose between two sessions in February/March 2017. Depending on the number of applicants another session may be run next autumn. The course will be in French.

Dates: Monday February 20 to Monday March 20 (5 days) or Thursday February 23 to Thursday March 23 (5 days).

Practical details about the course, including how to sign up, can be found on the intranet.

The cost of the course will be covered for Institut Pasteur staff and for external (OREX) staff under the training plan.

We would remind you that if you register for a training course, you must attend the entire course.
