
Appels d'offre du 22 janvier 2015

  • National Institute of Health (NIH) : Innovative Technologies for Cancer-Relevant Biospecimen Science (R21)  

Purpose: to solicit grant applications proposing exploratory research projects focused on the early-stage development of technologies that improve the quality of the samples used for cancer research or clinical care. This includes innovative technologies that address issues related to pre-analytical degradation of targeted analytes during the collection, processing, handling, and storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens.

Budget and duration: Direct costs are limited to $400,000 over a 3-year period, with no more than $200,000 in direct costs allowed in any single year.

Letter of Intent due date: 30 days prior to the application due date

Application due dates: February 26, 2016; May 26, 2016; September 26, 2016

To find out more

Deadline : Plusieurs dates limites - prochaine échéance 26/01/2016


  • Fondation Bettencourt Schueller  : Prix jeunes chercheurs 

Objectif : ce pris est décerné chaque année à 14 jeunes docteurs en sciences ou docteurs en médecine, pour leur permettre de réaliser leur stage post-doctoral dans les meilleurs laboratoires étrangers.

Montant du prix : 25 000 euros.

En savoir plusDeadline : 29/01/2016


  • Vaincre les maladies lysosomales  : Appel d’offre recherche 2016 

Objectif : soutenir des projets de recherche dans les domaines suivants :

1/ Thérapies Génique et Cellulaire dans les maladies lysosomales. Toutes approches de biothérapies innovantes agissant indirectement sur les gènes pourront être considérées.

2/ Autres approches thérapeutiques

3/ Etudes épidémiologiques

4/ Compréhension des mécanismes physiopathologiques.

En savoir plus

Deadline : 26/02/2016


  • National Institute of Health (NIH) : Systems Biology Approaches in HIV/AIDS and Substance Use (R01)

Purpose: to support systems biology research projects that address critical questions in HIV/AIDS research in the context of drugs of abuse. Substance use and abuse present unique challenges for HIV prevention, treatment, disease progression, medical consequences, potential cure, and responses to vaccines or therapeutics.

Budget and duration: Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The proposed project period may not exceed five years.

Letter of Intent due date: March 4, 2016

To find out more

Deadline : 04/03/2016


  • EU - ERA-NET ERA-CVD  : Appel à projets transnational sur les maladies cardiovasculaires 

Objectif : permettre aux scientifiques de différents pays de construire une collaboration efficace sur des projets de recherche interdisciplinaires fondés sur la complémentarité et le partage d'expertise dans le domaine de l'insuffisance cardiaque, avec une approche de recherche translationnelle. Les projets devraient porter sur l'association entre les facteurs déclenchant ou pathogènes (par exemple, les facteurs métaboliques), et les effecteurs moléculaires et le dysfonctionnement des organes.

Modalités : Chaque consortium doit impliquer un minimum de trois (3) partenaires éligibles et un maximum de cinq (5) partenaires éligibles. En outre, les partenaires éligibles doivent provenir d'au moins trois (3) pays différents.

Durée : durée maximale de trois ans.

En savoir plus

Deadline : 08/03/2016 (pré-dossier)


  • EU joint program : Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) 

Purpose: to support the field’s leading scientists in advancing novel approaches that will enhance the use of imaging for neurodegenerative disease research. This call is to establish a limited number of transnational working groups to address the key challenges facing the use of new and innovative brain imaging techniques in neurodegenerative disease research. The working groups will be community-led and will establish ‘best practice’ guidelines and/or methodological frameworks to overcome these barriers.

Funding and duration: €50,000 for a maximum of 9 months, with the possibility for the country funding agencies to approve an extension of up to 12 months in total.

To find out more

Deadline : 10/03/2016


  • Fondation de l'Avenir : Appel à projets Recherche Médicale Appliquée 2016 

Objectif : promouvoir la recherche couvrant l’ensemble des champs de la santé et jouer un rôle majeur de lien entre la recherche fondamentale et l’application concrète du soin au bénéfice des patients.

Thématiques :

- Imagerie : innovation en imagerie fonctionnelle ;

- Innovation : innovations diagnostiques, pronostiques et prédictions ;

- Santé numérique : recherche en santé numérique ;

Une attention particulière sera portée aux projets traitant des pathologies neurodégénératives, des pathologies infantiles, des handicaps liés à la vue et à l’audition, aux troubles du comportement alimentaire et aux pathologies cardiovasculaires.

Budget : 1.2 million d’euros répartis sur 35 à 40 projets.

En savoir plus

Deadline : 11/03/2016


  • EC - ERA-Net Neuron : "European Research Projects on External Insults to the Nervous System" 

Purpose: to facilitate multinational, collaborative research projects that will address important questions relating to external insults to the central nervous system.The call will accept proposals ranging from understanding basic mechanisms of disease through proof-of-concept clinical studies in humans to neurorehabilitation. The focus of the call is on primary physical insults to the central nervous system, i.e. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Spinal Cord Injury (SCI). The call covers acute traumatic events over the entire lifespan.

Field : Research proposals should cover at least one of the following areas:

a) Fundamental research investigating consequences of external insults to the central nervous system on a biological and functional level. This may include the development of innovative or shared resources, and new technologies for the prediction, prevention or therapy of disease.

b) Clinical research, including the exploitation of novel and/or existing clinical data sets, to develop new strategies for diagnosis, therapy, and technology-driven neurorehabilitation (e.g. brain computer interfaces, EEG and neuroimaging approaches) for diseases after external insults to the central nervous system.

Eligibility: Only transnational projects will be funded. Each consortium submitting a proposal must be comprised of a minimum of three research groups from at least three different countries.

To find out more

Deadline : 14/03/2016 ((14:00:00 CET) pre-proposal


  • National Institute of Health (NIH) : BRAIN Initiative: New Concepts and Early - Stage Research for Large - Scale Recording and Modulation in the Nervous System (R21)

Purpose: To understand how electrical and chemical signals code information in neural circuits and give rise to sensations, thoughts, emotions and actions. To seek to develop novel technology or to optimize existing technology ready for in-vivo proof-of-concept testing and collection of preliminary data for recording or manipulating neural activity on a scale that is beyond what is currently possible.

Budget and duration: The combined budget for direct costs for the two-year project period may not exceed $300,000.

Application Due Dates: March 15, 2016

To find out more

Deadline : 15/03/2016


  • EU - INFECT-ERA : "Coordination of European funding for infectious diseases research" 

Purpose: to fund transnational and translational research, bringing together basic, applied and technology-driven research approaches of a broad variety of research topics regarding human infectious diseases (ID).

two main research topics:

- The host-pathogen interactions, with regard to clinically relevant microbial clones, focused on host susceptibility (e.g., innate immune response, populations at risk, etc.).

- Development of innovative strategies for the diagnostic and treatment of high clinically relevant microbial infections; optimisation of antimicrobial therapy in an individual patient and development of biomarkers to allow individual response prediction.

Proposals with topics HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis are not in the scope of the call.

Eligibility: maximum of six participants from a minimum of three countries participating in this call, should favourably include participants from academia and clinics and/or industry.

To find out more

Deadline : 17/03/2016 (pre-proposal)


  • Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance (JPIAMR) : 3rd Joint Call: JPI-EC-AMR ERA-NET Cofund Call on Transmission Dynamics 

Purpose: to combine the resources, infrastructures, and research strengths of multiple countries in order to address transmission of antibiotic resistance following a ‘One Health Approach’. The goal is to foster multinational research collaborations to add value to and to build upon the research conducted independently at national level and to work together to improve the control of resistant bacterial infections of clinical and/or veterinary importance only.

Eligibility: Each proposal must involve a minimum of three (3) countries participating in this call and a maximum of six (6) project participants.

To find out moreDeadline : 21/03/2016 ( 17:00 CET) pre-proposal


  • Fondation Fyssen : Allocations post-doctorales 

Objectif : permettre la formation et le soutien de chercheurs de niveau post-doctoral travaillant dans des domaines de recherche qui répondent aux objectifs de la Fondation tels que les sciences du système nerveux.

Eligibilité : jeunes chercheurs, français ou étrangers, âgés de 35 ans maximum le jour de clôture de l’appel à candidature.

Montant : maximum de 25 000 Euros.

Durée : de 8 à 12 mois non renouvelables

En savoir plus

Deadline : 30/03/2016 (12:00)


  • Association pour la Recherche sur la Sclérose en Plaques (ARSEP) : Annual Call for research proposals 2016  

Purpose: to encourage and support any basic and clinical research applications focused on Multiple Sclerosis.


PhD students can apply for fellowships only for their last thesis year (3rd or 4th year) and postdoctoral fellows under certain conditions.

Amount for research grants : € 50,000 maximum per project for one year, renewable after resubmission.

Amount for fellowships : ARSEP support covers salary (35 000 € for a doctoral fellowship; 57 000 € for a post-doctoral fellowship) The support cannot exceed 3 years.

To find out more

Deadline : 31/03/2016


  • Ecos Sud : Appels à projets franco-argentins 2016 

Objectif : Cet appel à projets concerne la recherche de base dans tous les champs disciplinaires. Il doit s’agir d’une collaboration sur un projet scientifique commun.

Durée : 3 ans

Financement : Le programme fournit un appui pour :

- les missions dédiées au développement du projet pour chercheurs confirmés d’une durée comprise entre 14 et 31 jours (ECOS-Sud assure le coût du transport jusqu’en Argentine pour les français et celui du séjour pour les argentins),

- le coût du transport jusqu’en Argentine pour les doctorants et post-doctorants français se rendant en stage, ainsi que les frais de séjours pour des stages doctoraux ou post-doctoraux en France des jeunes argentins n’excédant pas trois mois.

En savoir plus

Deadline : 16/04/2016


  • National Institute of Health (NIH) : Tropical Medicine Research Centers (U19) 

Purpose: to solicit applications from institutions/organizations that propose to conduct research on the causes, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of tropical diseases in endemic areas. The scope of the research to be supported is limited to select Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and their corresponding vectors. Research may be focused on a single pathogen or more than one pathogen causing NTDs.

Budget and duration: The budget for each TMRC cannot exceed $500,000 in direct costs per year excluding consortia F&A costs. The maximum project period is 5 years.

Letter of Intent due date: May 3, 2016

To find out more

Deadline : 03/05/2016
