COVID-19 – Useful information: updated medical guidelines

Following the easing of health restrictions, the medical guidelines at the Institut Pasteur have changed. For your information:

Please note that these guidelines apply to all people on campus.

Further information

Given the continued high rate of circulation and transmission of the virus, the BCP/PBRP Committee would like to appeal to the sense of responsibility of everyone on campus and would recommend that you continue to wear masks in closed spaces and in situations where the number of people makes it impossible to maintain a safe distance. Hygiene rules (regular hand washing, regular airing of premises and cleaning of surfaces) should continue to be applied so as to limit the spread of the virus, especially to protect vulnerable individuals or those at risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19.

If you a vulnerable person at risk of developing a severe form of COVID-19, according to the applicable official definition, it is important to contact the Occupational Health Department ( which will examine your situation. If you cannot be given enhanced protection in your workplace or you are unable to work from home on a full-time basis, you may be eligible for a partial furlough arrangement, which will be organized in coordination with the Human Resources Department.

