SocialCov: launch of a major survey among French residents on their contacts during the lockdown

The lockdown measures introduced are unprecedented in epidemiological terms. In this context, to understand how the measures have altered the transmission of SARS-CoV-2, we need to assess how our contacts with other people have changed. These data can then be introduced into predictive models.

A research unit at the Institut Pasteur has developed a population survey to collect and analyze data on these contacts. This study is being conducted in partnership with the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris-Saclay University and Inserm.

With questions like "Who were you in contact with before the lockdown?" and "Who do you still see now?", we will be able to gain a better understanding of how the lockdown has affected our social and professional lives. More specifically, the survey will enable us to identify how many contacts we have every day, how often and with what age groups.

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