Reminder of the PBRP measures introduced on December 6 (updated on December 9)

The latest version of the national protocol to ensure the health and safety of workers in view of the COVID-19 epidemic requires the application of stricter measures.
All these measures are applicable from December 6, 2021 to January 15, 2022 at this stage:


1/ Stricter hygiene and distancing measures

- Masks must be worn at all times and on all areas of campus, both inside buildings and outdoors. Unless you are on your own in an office, you must wear a mask when you are working in shared premises, even if the other people have been vaccinated. Controls may be carried out to ensure that this measure is enforced.

- A physical distance of at least 1 meter must be maintained between people, or at least 2 meters if masks cannot be worn (in eating areas). If a distance of 2 meters cannot be maintained, masks must be worn, including outdoors.

- Offices must be aired regularly (for 5 to 10 minutes every hour) wherever possible. Hygiabox units, which measure whether air is circulating sufficiently in unventilated rooms, are available for shared rooms which are not yet fitted with one (contact in the Technical Resources and Environment Department (DRTE)).


2/ Vaccination

On November 25, the French government announced that all adults aged 18 and over are now eligible for a booster (third) dose as from five months after their second dose, and from January 15, 2022, a booster vaccine will be a requirement for a valid health pass (pass sanitaire).

There are several ways of booking your booster vaccination:

  • You can book one of the COVID-19 vaccination slots reserved for Institut Pasteur staff at the Institut Pasteur Medical Center (CMIP) via Doctolib: click here;

  • You can book one of the slots offered to Institut Pasteur staff by the Institut Pasteur Occupational Health Department – registration exclusively via Doctolib (use the code COVID2021): click here;

  • You can book an appointment via the dedicated national platforms:,,;  

  • You can contact a local health professional (pharmacy, family physician, etc.).


3/  More working from home

From December 6 until January 15, 2022, by way of exception to the agreement on working from home, the home working arrangements are as follows:

  • Scientific staff and support staff working on site are strongly encouraged to work from home for any tasks that can be carried out remotely, in agreement with line managers;

  • Eligible administrative support staff: all eligible staff must work from home for 3 days a week, in agreement with line managers, with a rotation system to be organized with managers and the possibility of working from home for up to 4 days a week (one day a week must be spent on campus);

  • The category télétravail en situation exceptionnelle (home working in exceptional circumstances) has been reopened in the HR portal so that staff can submit or record any additional home working days. Those who have signed an addendum to their employment contract with set home working days will only be able to use the category télétravail en situation exceptionnelle (home working in exceptional circumstances) to record any additional days worked from home that are not covered by the addendum;

  • This measure also applies to interns and dual-education students;

  • We recommend holding appraisals and career development reviews remotely for staff working from home, but they can be conducted on site if circumstances warrant an in-person session.

4/ Meetings and social gatherings

  • We are asking you to postpone all meetings, events and activities involving several people on campus (regardless of the number) or to reorganize them on a remote basis. This applies to internal meetings, meetings with a combination of internal and external participants and thesis defenses;

  • All social gatherings (working meals, thesis defense receptions, retirement gatherings, coffee breaks, etc.) and all festive end-of-year meals at department or unit level, due to be held either on campus or at a venue off campus, must be canceled or suspended;

  • Regarding sports and cultural activities run by the sports club (ASIP) and La Pasteurale, the utmost caution is recommended and we have asked these clubs to temporarily suspend their activities;

  • External visitor numbers are limited to a maximum of 3 per meeting;

  • Guest and retired researchers are asked to limit their time on campus to no more than one day a week.


Thesis defenses: an exemption may be granted to allow up to 15 people in the room where the defense is taking place. Please email



5/ Meals

The national protocol issued by the French Ministry of Employment updated on December 8 sets new occupancy limits for eating areas so that staff are better protected. The teams in the Technical Resources and Environment Department (DRTE) have rearranged the company restaurant and the cafeteria The 25 so that a distance of 2 meters can be maintained between people while they are eating. We would remind you that tables must not be moved from their current positions. The furniture has been arranged in compliance with the guidelines in the national protocol to optimize safety when eating on campus and not wearing a mask. Controls may be carried out to ensure that these measures are enforced.

Standing tables are also available in the atrium of the François Jacob building, The 25 and the CIS ground floor hall for people who prefer not to eat in one of the restaurants. These tables may not be moved closer together; they must be kept in their current positions to ensure that a distance of 2 meters is maintained when eating.

We would strongly encourage you to make full use of the extended lunch period in the canteen (11.30am to 2.15pm) or to bring your lunch with you. The restaurant "La Table" will be closed from December 6 onwards until further notice.

We would ask people with an individual office to bring their lunch with them if possible so that there is more room in the dining hall for staff working in shared office spaces.  


6/ If developing symptoms

Finally, we would remind you that if you develop symptoms, it is important to stay at home and to get tested (see the updated information sheet).

The costs of PCR tests are covered by the French health insurance authority (Assurance Maladie) without the need for a prescription if you have been vaccinated.

We would remind you that all employees must do all they can to protect the health and safety of others and themselves (article L.4122-1 of the French Labor Code):

-    If you think you may have come into contact with the virus, you are under obligation to inform your employer,

-    You must contact the Occupational Health Department.
If you wish to do so you may also inform your manager and/or your local HR contact, who are bound to confidentiality regarding any information they receive.

The BCP/PBRP Committee

See the summary table of PBRP measures


NB: Several questions could not be addressed at the meeting on December 8; they will be dealt with by next week and the answers will be available in next week's newsletter.


