December 13, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
This year’s annual appraisals and career development reviews started on November 25 and will run until January 28, 2025. Please note that appraisal and career development forms will need to be approved by January 8 at the latest for Compro promotion requests for non-scientific staff and requests to advance from technician to engineer status.
Appraisals and career development reviews in practice
Who for?
The appraisal campaign applies to all staff at the Institut Pasteur, except for those on fixed-term contracts of less than six months, PhD students and contract workers.
Scope of the appraisal campaign
• An annual appraisal: reviewing 2024, setting targets and submitting training needs for 2025;
• A career development review (legal obligation, required every two years): the aim of this process is to review career development, professional goals and career plans in the short and medium term.
In accordance with applicable regulations, every six years an additional detailed career development review is carried out.
• The appraisal campaign is combined with promotion requests for the Institut Pasteur's non-scientific employees (ComPro – see the page here).
The Human Resources Department would like to draw your attention to the deadline for approving any forms involving promotion requests: promotion requests for non-scientific employees must be submitted in the tool by January 8, including requests to advance from senior technician to engineer status.
Preparing for your appraisals
You can consult the online resources provided on the ePasteur "EAP" (Appraisals) page for help and support:
• online presentations for staff and managers,
• practical guides and tutorial videos on completing the forms,
• resources available in connection with the "training of the month" initiative: "The art of giving and receiving feedback"
Your local HR contact is available to answer any questions you may have and provide support and guidance.
Further information
Detailed information is available on the dedicated appraisals page
See the calendar of HR campaigns
If you have any questions about the Career Portal and the appraisal forms, contact