December 03, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The 53rd Directors ‘meeting of Pasteur Network honors young scientists
The 53rd Directors ‘meeting of Pasteur Network took place from November 23 to 26, 2021, entitled Building tomorrow's network. Organized online, it offered an opportunity to take a fresh look at the network, formerly known as the "International Network of Pasteur Institutes" and now known as "Pasteur Network" through its new organization. Young scientists from the Pasteur Network were given the opportunity to share their vision of the network and two Talent Awards were given out on this occasion.
Every year, The Directors ‘meeting of Pasteur Network gathers the directors or representatives of the 33 members of the network. For this edition, the theme chosen, "Building tomorrow's network", echoed the recent evolutions of the Pasteur Network, by evoking the future. The event was introduced by speeches from Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Honorary President of the Pasteur Network, Stewart Cole, Président of the Institut Pasteur and President of the Pasteur Network foundation, and Amadou Alpha Sall, Director General of the Institut Pasteur de Dakar and President of the Pasteur Network.
During the first day, a session gave the floor to the future leaders of the network. Involving young scientists from the 4 regions of the Pasteur Network, this sequence opened the discussion regarding the future ambitions of the Pasteur Network. Collaborative tools such as the Institut Pasteur's ACIP programs, the network's scientific platforms, etc. were also discussed during the second day in order to give an overview of all the possibilities offered to the members within the network.
The scientific day organized by the Scientific Orientation Committee of the Pasteur Network (Cos-PN) was held and allowed to discuss scientific orientations and partnerships such as the study of ticks or antimicrobial resistance. The organization of the network and its new governance were also on the agenda of the Directors ‘meeting with the holding of Pasteur Network's bodies: the general assembly of the association and the management committee of the new Pasteur Network Foundation housed at the Institut Pasteur.
Report on the Talent Awards
The Talent Awards 2021 were granted Thursday, November 25, 2021, during the Scientific Day of the 53rd Directors’ meeting of the Pasteur Network. The winners of the fifth edition of these awards are Dr. Gregorio Iraol from the Institut Pasteur de Montevideo (Uruguay) and Dr. Nathalie Vandevelde from Sciensano (Belgium). The virtual ceremony was conducted by Prof. Stewart Cole, President of the Institut Pasteur, accompanied by Dr. Pierre-Marie Girard, International Director of the institute, in the presence of Prof. Amadou Sall, President of Pasteur Network and all the directors of Pasteur Network.
Appointments of Directors of the Pasteur Network in 2021
New appointments took place between July and September 2021 within the Pasteur Network. Six directors where appointed in agreement with the local, institute administration and the Institut Pasteur for a period of at least two years.
These new directors will integrate the various bodies of the Pasteur Network located in the Network four regions (Africa, Americas, Asia-Pacific and Euro-Mediterranean) :
- Sabo Haoua Seini has been appointed as General Director of CERMES
- Philippe Dussart has been appointed as General Director of the Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
- Christophe Peyrefitte has been appointed as Director of the Institut Pasteur de la Guyane
- André Spiegel has been appointed as Director of the Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
- Efstathios Gonos has been elected General Director of the Hellenic Pasteur Institute
- Mirdad Kazanji has been appointed as General Director of the Centre Pasteur du Cameroun