labor relations

Elections for Works Council and staff representatives - 2nd round

ordinateur.gif Following the 1st round of voting, only election of the permanent members of the Works Committee for the 2nd electoral college was confirmed.

As the quorum was not met for the other rounds, a second round is needed in order to proceed with the election of:

  • the permanent and alternate staff representatives for all 3 electoral colleges,

  • the permanent and alternate members of the Works Committee for the 1st and 3rd electoral colleges and the alternate members for the 2nd college.

The 2nd round of voting will take place from Thursday December 10 at 9am until Wednesday December 16, 2015 at 3pm.

For this second round applications are welcome from you all. Candidates should apply to the HR Department by Wednesday December 7 at 3pm.

To vote, log onto the website

You will need your login codes used for the 1st round of voting (received by post at your home address or the codes received if you applied for new login codes online).

If you don't have internet access or if you'd prefer to vote in private, a dedicated online voting area is available in the atrium of the François Jacob building, room 17B. This area will be open to all staff from 10am to 3pm during the second round.

A detailed guide is available to explain the online voting procedure.

To find out more about the elections
