BIP: the Institut Pasteur Newsletter, December 4, 2015


The Institut Pasteur's senior management team will give its New Year message to all staff on Wednesday January 13, 2016, at 10.30am. In his address, Christian Bréchot will outline the Institut Pasteur's progress and successes in 2015 and the main achievements made under the 2014-2018 strategic plan. This event will also be an opportunity to present the plan to set up an Institut Pasteur Saclay Center.


Christian Bréchot calls for more research in the international journal PKB.


The recipient of this prize is Samuel Myers.


Research on the genomes of Pygmy hunter-gatherer populations and Bantu farmers in Central Africa, carried out by scientists from the Institut Pasteur and the CNRS in cooperation with French and international teams, has shown for the first time that our habitat and lifestyle can have an impact on our epigenome - the entire system that controls the expression of our genes without affecting their sequence.

Scientific events

The LabEx Milieu Intérieur Project is organizing its Annual Speed-dating Symposium on December 8th, at 3 pm in Auditorium Monod.


The "13-minute medicine" sessions have been replaced by a new format: the "Pasteur Medicine Quarter-Hour".


The Biomics Pole is a structure within the Center for Innovation and Technological Research (Citech).

Scientific events

Elections to replace outgoing members of the COMESP will be held on December 15, 2015, from 13.30pm to 16pm in the Dedonder room on the 4th floor of the CIS building. The COMESP is an important committee for the assessment of the activities of senior scientists by their peers.


The students taking the specialized Masters in Public Health at the Pasteur-CNAM School will be completing the oral defense of their dissertations.


The Education Department, the MAASCC structure and the Research Applications and Industrial Relations Department are encouraging scientists interested in setting up their own companies.

Media Library

The science media library is running a training session from 3 to 5pm on Tuesday, December 15, entitled "Impact factor and Journal Citation Reports (JCR)".

labor relations

Following the 1st round of voting, only election of the permanent members of the Works Committee for the 2nd electoral college was confirmed. As the quorum was not met for the other rounds, a second round is needed in order to proceed with the election of the permanent and alternate staff representatives for all 3 electoral colleges and the permanent and alternate members of the Works Committee for the 1st and 3rd electoral colleges and the alternate members for the 2nd college.


The Procurement Department would like to inform you that there will be a new dedicated telephone number and email address for all business trip requests at the 3mundi business travel agency


Following the tragic events of the past few weeks, the French Blood Service (EFS) is keen to remind everyone that giving blood really can save lives.


• Fonds de Recherche en Santé Respiratoire (FRSR) / Fondation du Souffle  : Santé respiratoire et pollution atmosphérique
Deadline : 19/01/2016

• Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca de l'Institut de France : Subventions scientifiques 2016
Deadline : 20/01/2016

• Fondation Lefoulon-Delalande Appel à candidature. Bourses de recherche 2016
Deadline : 26/01/2016

• Ligue Contre le Cancer - programme CIT (Carte d'Identité des Tumeurs) - Appel à projets 2015 : « Comprehensive Cancer Genomics 
Deadline : 01/02/2016

• National Institute of Health (NIH) : Drug Discovery For Nervous System Disorders (R01) 
Plusieurs dates limites : prochaine échéance 05/02/2016

• H2020 - European Research Council (ERC) : Appel ERC Proof of Concept 2016 
Deadline : 16/02/2016

• National Institute of Health (NIH) : Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG) (R21)s 
Plusieurs dates limites : prochaine échéance 16/02/2016

• Bpi France / BIRAC / CEFIPRA    Appel à projets innovants France-Inde : Santé digitale et médecine individualisée
Deadline : 18/02/2016

• National Institute of Health (NIH) : Pediatric Diagnostic Biomarkers for Active Pulmonary TB Disease (R01) 
Deadline : 11/03/2016

View the calls for proposals published this week on Webcampus