In the Pasteur library with Hervé Di Rosa: a look back at the opening ceremony for the new exhibition in the Salle des Actes

On December 4, 2017, the Institut Pasteur officially opened the redesigned exhibition in the Salle des Actes. This room, a place that is steeped in history, still has all its original display cases containing a selection of items that once belonged to Louis Pasteur, artifacts, medals, certificates, and historical and more recent accounts from those with a link to the Institut Pasteur. The founder and director of the International Museum of Modest Arts in Sète, Hervé Di Rosa, who attended the opening ceremony, was commissioned by the Institut Pasteur to use his artistic talents to redesign this display area.

All 26 double display cases in the Salle des Actes have now been rearranged as part of a fascinating and informative new narrative, based on two main themes:

  • Louis Pasteur himself – his life, scientific research, discoveries and medals;

  • the groundbreaking scientists, research and discoveries at the Institut Pasteur since it was set up 130 years ago – illustrious and outstanding Pasteurians, Nobel laureates, discoveries, viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi, and scientific equipment (crystals, swan neck flasks, microscopes, etc.).

The inspiration for this project emerged from conversations between Hervé Di Rosa, Françoise Adamsbaum (Keza Gallery) and Olivier Schwartz (head of the Virus and Immunity Unit at the Institut Pasteur.) The project was directed by the Department of Communications, Jean-François Chambon (director) and the Pasteur Museum team, Muriel Hilaire-Soule (curator) with Olivier Schwartz, Hervé Di Rosa and his team, Jean Seisser and Françoise Adamsbaum.

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Creation: Hervé Di Rosa, photos: Institut Pasteur
