January 12, 2024
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) community is a group of volunteers committed to fostering greater fairness and diversity in the scientific community. This group is part of the Institut Pasteur’s efforts to promote gender equality in the workplace (Gender Equality Plan).
Our goals are threefold:
educate about barriers encountered by minorities in Science;
promote best scientific practices (e.g. inclusion of both sexes in experiments, enrolling diverse patients in cohorts, investigation of women’s health topics, etc.);
give a voice to outstanding minority experts working on diversity and equity in Science.
We organize a serie of events on campus. The first, in collaboration with the CARE department, will be on Tuesday January 16, at 12:30 pm in the Amphithéâtre Duclaux.
We will host Adèle B. Combes for a lecture in English, entitled "Working conditions and mental health of PhD candidates".
Adèle Combes, PhD in Neurobiology, is the initiator of the "Vies de thèse" project, a major survey of working conditions and mental health among 2000 PhD students.
During this seminar, she will present the results of this survey, and we will reason together about the causes of, and possible solutions to, the difficulties that can be experienced during a PhD.
Copies of her book "Comment l'université broie les jeunes chercheurs” (in French) will be distributed free of charge and autographed by the author (limited number – come early!).