January 15, 2016
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Having confirmed the first cases of infection in Suriname then in French Guiana, the Institut Pasteur in French Guiana has sequenced the complete genome of the Zika virus, which is responsible for an unprecedented epidemic currently sweeping through the tropical regions of the Americas. Published in The Lancet medical journal today, the analysis of this sequence shows almost complete homology with the strains responsible for the epidemic that occurred in the Pacific in 2013 and 2014.
The next CRT morning session will take place on January 26. It will look at the topic "Big data in clinical research".
The Institut Pasteur has embarked on an ambitious infrastructure modernization program to underpin its strategic priorities.
The Institut Pasteur has embarked on a reflection regarding the potential setup of an Institut Pasteur center at the Saclay research cluster. So far, this reflection is in the initial stages and no decision has been made. Proposals of any kind are therefore welcome and will be considered during consultation and discussion with staff on campus. The decision regarding the possible setup of a center in Saclay falls within the remit of the Institut Pasteur Board of Directors.
Come and meet the science media library team. The media library will be visiting different buildings on campus on Fridays from 12 noon to 2pm to explain about its services, answer any questions and get to know you better!
• HAL-Pasteur open archive: submitting articles, copyright, transfer of ownership
• PubMed - My NCBI: useful tips and tricks
The new procurement portal has been up and running on campus since March 31, 2015. Over the first few weeks of 2016, the Financial Affairs Department and the Information Systems Department will be holding sessions to present the features that were implemented at the end of 2015 and to share some handy tips that will save you time when creating and monitoring your shopping cart.
If you would like to keep parking your car on campus, please confirm this by sending an email.
• Association Agir pour l'audition - Appel à projets Mobilité Jeunes Chercheurs
Date limite : 01/02/2016 (pré-projets)
• Association Agir pour l'audition - Appel à projets Laboratoires
Date limite de candidature: 01/02/2016 (pré-projets)
• Ligue contre le Cancer - Allocations Doctorales "4ème année de thèse"
Date limite: 01/02/2016 (minuit)
• Ligue contre le Cancer - Allocations "1er stage postdoctoral"
Date limite: 01/02/2016 (minuit)
• TRANSCAN (European Research Area Network funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme - FP7
Appel à projets européen TRANSCAN-2 JTC-2015 sur l’immunologie et l’immunothérapie des cancers pour un renforcement des aspects translationnels
Date limite: 05/02/2016 (16:00 CET) - (pre-proposals)
• Ligue contre le Cancer - Appel à Projets 2016 Recherche en Epidémiologie
Date limite: 08/02/2016 (lettre d’intention)
• Fondation plan Alzheimer - Appel à Projets 2016 "Vers l'homme"
Date limite: 08/02/2016 (lettre d’intention)
• European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) - Long-Term Fellowships
Several Deadlines: first 12/02/2016 (14:00 CET)
• Inserm / National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development (NIHCD) - NICHD–INSERM Scholar Program
Date limite: 15/02/2016
• Commission Européenne -Appel appel à propositions H2020-SC1-2016 du défi santé, changement démographique et bien-être - "médecine personnalisée"
Date limite: 15/02/2016 (Etape 1)
• Association française des amblyopes unilatéraux (AFAU) - Bourse de recherche 2016
Date limite: 26/02/2016
• Fondation ARC - Aide en 2ème année de master recherche (M2R)
Date limite : 01/03/2016 - 12:00
• Fondation ARC - Aides doctorales (DOC) - étudiants thèses médicales
Date limite : 01/03/2016 - 12:00
• Fondation ARC - Aides doctorales (DOC) - fin de thèse (4ème année)
Date limite : 01/03/2016 - 12:00
• Fondation ARC - Aides post-doctorales (PDF) - premier post-doc
Date limite : 01/03/2016 - 12:00
• Fondation ARC - Aides post-doctorales (PDF) - post-doc expérimenté (aide au retour ou à l'installation en France)
Date limite : 01/03/2016 - 12:00
• Fondation ARC - Aides pour séjour à l'étranger (SAE)
Date limite : 01/03/2016 - 12:00
• European Comission (EC) - ERare-3 Call for Proposals 2016 for "Clinical research for new therapeutic uses of already existing molecules (repurposing) in rare diseases"
Several deadlines : - registration for projects: February 1, 2016 (submission for proposals: March 3, 2016)
• Association LECMA-Vaincre Alzheimer - Appel à candidatures
Date limite: 07/03/2016 (lettre d'intention)
• Institut national du cancer - Appel à projet DEPREV2016 - Accompagnement des politiques de prévention et de dépistage et soutien aux projets et actions pour améliorer la prévention, le dépistage et la détection précoce des cancers
Date limite: 07/03/2016 (minuit)
• Fondation L'Oréal / UNESCO / Académie des Sciences - Appel à candidatures 2016 : Bourses L’Oréal-UNESCO Pour les Femmes et la Science 2016
Date limite : 11/04/2016