Media Library

Upcoming training run by the science media library

  • Training session: HAL-Pasteur open archive: submitting articles, copyright, transfer of ownership

The media library can help you to self-archive your scientific publications.

This training session is a mix of theory and hands-on exercises to show you how to deposit your scientific publications in the new version of the HAL-Pasteur platform.

The training session will take place on Monday, January 18, from 2 to 4pm (in French) and from 4 to 6pm (in English), in room 28-01-01D.

Further information:

Reminder of the request from the senior management team about publications and open access

Open access: contractual obligation to deposit any projects funded under the "Horizon 2020" program in open archives.

These training sessions are open to all and are held in the François Jacob building.

►To sign up or for further information, please contact:



  • Training session: PubMed - My NCBI: useful tips and tricks


Learn how to use PubMed more efficiently with handy techniques including advanced searches, limiting searches, automatic emailing of search updates and citation export.

This training session, a mix of theory and hands-on exercises, will help you get to grips with all these PubMed features and boost your research skills.

Don't stress - just sign up!

The next training session will take place on Wednesday, January 27, from 9.30 to 11.30am (in English) and from 2 to 4.30pm (in French).

These sessions are open to all and will be held in rooms 26-04-17B (in French) and 26-02-17B (in English) of the François Jacob building.

►To sign up:
