January 08, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The New Year ceremony, held on Thursday January 7, featured addresses by Stewart Cole, President, Christian Vigouroux, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Erik Orsenna, Institut Pasteur Ambassador. For the first time, the ceremony took place remotely, via Teams, with nearly 650 of you following the event.
It was an opportunity for Stewart Cole to thank the Board of Directors for its ongoing, dedicated support and to look back at 2020, a year that was like no other. It was a year in which "Team Pasteur" demonstrated its strength and commitment, both in making an effective contribution to efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and also in maintaining momentum for the Institut Pasteur's many other activities, despite the successive periods of lockdown, exiting lockdown, returning to lockdown and curfews. As an aside, he confirmed that the current BCP measures will remain unchanged until further notice (link to dedicated BIP).
The COVID-19 crisis has inevitably had a major impact on research at international level, but it has also shown us "that, more than ever, our challenges are global challenges." Since the start of the pandemic, the teams at the Institut Pasteur and within the International Network have been engaged in the wider effort to advance science and knowledge to meet health needs.
Alongside this work, the Institut Pasteur has been active in several fields, with the inauguration of the Hearing Institute and preparations for the future center for audiology; the innovation accelerator, launched in 2019, for which four projects in the area of diagnostics and therapeutics have been selected; support for the creation of start-ups; governance of the International Network; and the implementation of the international scientific strategy.
Stewart Cole also set out some of the aims to come in 2021, which will include partnerships with universities, the real estate master plan, scientific outreach to raise awareness among the public, and financial challenges.
Read Stewart Cole's speech (in French)
In his address, Christian Vigouroux emphasized the extent to which the Institut Pasteur fulfilled its role in 2020, with its expertise in "analysis, invention and research, always mindful of wider applications and keen to maintain a dialog between fundamental research and healthcare [...] in a world that may be dangerous and complicated, but one that we have a duty to serve, whose challenges we need to overcome."
He praised the unwavering efforts of all Institut Pasteur staff in this difficult context and stressed the need to "convince people, through scientific research and results, that they can believe in science [...] we are gathered here at this ceremony because we believe in science."
The Chairman of the Board of Directors pointed out that ambitions for the Institut Pasteur are high and will remain high, not only in terms of science and its applications for health, but also in the Institut Pasteur's shared commitment to Pasteurian values, pursuit of scientific objectives and potential to reform.
The future must be rooted in trust: "trust in ourselves, in our courage and perseverance as we encourage young scientists, trust in each other, and trust in our partners and in society as a whole."
Read Christian Vigouroux's speech in French
Erik Orsenna then brought the ceremony to a close by sharing his thoughts on three truths that have been brought to light during the pandemic: "the unity of life, the fragility of our species, and the need for knowledge." While reiterating his pride in serving as Ambassador of the Institut Pasteur, which stands more than ever at the forefront of research, the writer emphasized the vital role of science in "the unity of life." He praised the work of scientists, who lay the foundations for healthcare. He concluded with the message that "being Pasteurian is all about humility and determination."
Watch the New Year ceremony
(Internal use only)