
Institut Pasteur Anti-Corruption Policy

Dear all,

In the pursuit of its missions, the Institut Pasteur works with a variety of public and private stakeholders, both in France and abroad. It has a duty to ensure that it acts in a responsible and exemplary manner in the public interest, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Given the complex environments in which its staff and partners interact on a daily basis, the Institut Pasteur may be exposed to situations where there is a risk of breaching the duty of honesty, in particular through corruption. Corruption today represents a major obstacle to the eradication of poverty and to economic and social development in many world regions. It is also a clear violation of human rights in that it affects the daily lives of individuals and may also considerably inhibit the development of research and public health activities and access to healthcare.

The Institut Pasteur, fully aware of these risks, has adopted a new targeted policy in connection with the introduction of its anti-corruption framework.

The policy formalizes our zero tolerance stance to corruption. It implements a series of practical measures to prevent and detect breaches of the duty of honesty that should serve as a guiding principle for us all.

The policy can now be consulted as an appendix to the internal regulations and is available on Webcampus. Information sessions will be held in autumn 2023 and targeted training will be run during 2024 to give staff a better understanding of situations where there is a risk of breaching the duty of honesty.

The Institut Pasteur has also updated the workplace reporting system that has been available since 2019, the aim of which is to detect, report and address any serious risk situations that may be in breach of both applicable laws and regulations and the Institut Pasteur's rules of operation and values.

At any moment, if an Institut Pasteur staff member or partner has doubts or suspicions that a situation may be in breach of the principles laid down in the Anticorruption Policy mentioned above, they may report the situation:

The updated procedure incorporating the latest legislative developments can be accessed here.

We should all place a high priority on acting in such a way that benefits the wider community, in compliance with applicable regulations and our shared values, on a daily basis. I know that I can count on you.

Kind regards,

Professor Stewart Cole
