
Units: closures and mid-term assessments

Two internal memos have been distributed on unit closures and mid-term assessments.


  • Phased closure of units to coincide with HCERES assessment dates

The closure date of some units will be progressively aligned with the date on which the unit's parent department is due to be assessed by the French High Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES). This may result in the scheduled terms of these units being extended or shortened.

Decisions about changes to the closure dates of these units will be issued following the publication of this internal memo.

More information in organization memo 0106


  • Mid-term assessment for research units created since January 1, 2014

Research units created since January 1, 2014 will be assessed by the Scientific Council at the end of their first 5-year term. The process will involve a presentation to the Scientific Council and a number of external reports.

This assessment will ideally be linked with the HCERES assessment of the parent department, if the latter is scheduled to take place within a year before or after the end of the 5-year term. If this is not possible, the mid-term assessment will take place during another Scientific Council session.

The units concerned by this measure will be informed by the Scientific Assessment Department following the publication of this internal memo.

More information in organization memo 0107
