
Call for nominations for the Lebrasseur, Canetti, Agnes Ullmann and Institut Pasteur Young Scientist Prizes – fall 2024

Each year, the Institut Pasteur gives a number of prizes to scientists who have made a major contribution to research.

Each prize has its own eligibility criteria. An ad hoc scientific jury is responsible for selecting the winners.

This autumn, the call for nominations is for the following four awards:

•  The Lebrasseur Prize goes to a scientist (IP or OREX) whose research has never involved vivisection or animal testing.

Deadline for nominations: September 24, 2024

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•    The Canetti Prize goes to a scientist (IP or OREX) whose research has made an innovative contribution to the field of infectious diseases.

Deadline for nominations: September 24, 2024

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•    The Agnes Ullmann Prize goes to two scientists (one female and one male) for their outstanding contribution to research in life sciences, at an Institut Pasteur laboratory, in the field of molecular biology or microbiology.

Deadline for nominations: September 24, 2024

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•    The Institut Pasteur Young Scientist Award (IPYSA) recognizes the remarkable contributions of a PhD student and a postdoctoral fellow who were first authors of high-level research papers published or accepted for publication in 2023.

Deadline for nominations: September 24, 2024

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If you have any questions, please contact Hafida Fsihi (ext. 3495;
