BIP : The Institut Pasteur Newsletter, June 15 2018


The general staff meeting was held on the morning of Tuesday June 12 in the CIS auditorium. The event, open to all staff, began with an introduction from Stewart Cole. This was followed by a presentation of the new organizational structure for the scientific management team and information about various scientific and financial aspects that are particularly relevant to all Institut Pasteur staff, in anticipation of preparations for the 2019-2022 strategic plan.

Scientific events

Each week, in this section entitled "Scientific events" and written by Scientific Secretariat General, you will find upcoming scientific events to note in your diaries, calls for proposals and funding opportunities that might interest you – along with tools and databases specially designed to help you identify funding possibilities –, training courses available on campus, internal vacancies and careers events.


The Institut Pasteur is pleased to invite you to the official unveiling of the newly installed Titan KriosTM electron microscope. This event will take place on July 12 at 5.30pm in the CIS auditorium. The availability of this high-performance microscope, one of the most powerful in the world, is a valuable asset for excellence and scientific competitiveness in the field of structural biology for all Institut Pasteur researchers, as well as for any Institut Pasteur partners that may use the microscope.


Limber up your calf muscles and get ready to burn some energy in aid of research! Once again this year, the three-week "Roulons solidaires" campaign, organized in partnership with AG2R La Mondiale, will be held on campus to clock up the kilometers and raise money for the Institut Pasteur’s research.