science and society

Don't miss the scientific outreach forum on June 29

The scientific outreach forum will be held on June 29 on the Institut Pasteur campus. The event will take place from 2 to 3.30pm in the Agnes Ullmann lecture hall and will be followed by time for discussion and refreshments in the cafeteria The 25.

The aim of scientific outreach is to make science more accessible, understandable and relevant for everyone and to foster a dialog between the scientific community and citizens. Scientific outreach can include the distribution of scientific information and the promotion of scientific culture by means of various media, in different forms and for a variety of audiences (schools, families, the general public, non-profit organizations, etc.).

At the forum, you will have an opportunity to find out more about the exciting scientific outreach initiatives currently under way at the Institut Pasteur, such as the partnership with the La main à la pâte Foundation, the Young Researchers program, Piplettes, the Utopiales, Rêv'Elles, Bio-Art and many more.

The event is open to everyone, whether you are already participating in scientific outreach, interested in finding out more or looking for ways to get involved. We would also encourage you to come along and speak about your own initiatives during the discussions that will follow the various presentations.

Make sure you save the date of June 29 in your diary and use the following link to register: Microsoft Forms.

Come along to the forum and play your part in creating a scientific outreach network at the Institut Pasteur!

Program of the forum:

2-3.30pm – Agnes Ullmann lecture hall:

•    Introduction by Henri Pitron, Vice-President Communications

•    Presentation of the ANR call for proposals "Science with and for society"

•    Presentations of the following initiatives:

Partnership with the La main à la pâte Foundation

Young Researchers

The Utopiales



Outreach Stapa

•   Triptych Outreach group

•   Rêv'Elles:
2019 article
2020 article
2023 article

3.30-4.30pm – The 25:

A time for discussion and refreshments and a chance to meet other participants

