March 10, 2023
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
The annual campaign for the refund of transport costs was launched on Tuesday March 7 and will continue until Tuesday April 4. This year the campaign will take place online via the FAQ and HR Forms platform.
You must indicate your choice of transport options.
Under the French Labor Code, employees who use public transport to travel to their place of work are entitled to a partial refund of transport costs by their employer. This is the case at the Institut Pasteur, which covers 50% of the costs of employees' transport passes or season tickets.
Regarding the sustainable mobility payment (introduced at the Institut Pasteur in 2022): any employees using a personal bicycle or scooter (traditional or electric) to travel from home to work can opt for this scheme, which may not be combined with the public transport refund.
In accordance with the requirements of the French Social Security Contribution Collection Office (URSSAF), the HR Department must update the information used as a basis for the public transport refund and sustainable mobility payment for all staff concerned by the schemes.
All staff and interns who wish to claim a refund must indicate their choice to the Payroll Department via the signed statement (click here) and send the corresponding supporting documents.
We are running an annual campaign from March 7 to April 4 for you to submit your documents.
In practice
People who use public transport or a "sustainable mobility" means of transport to travel between their home and workplace (the campuses at Rue du Docteur Roux or Rue de Charenton for the Hearing Institute) must opt for either:
• a refund of the cost of their transport pass or season ticket (option 1)
• the sustainable mobility payment (option 2). The two options may not be combined (see the agreement reached following the 2022 mandatory annual negotiations)
How to submit your signed statement and supporting documents online
• Complete the form on the HR platform and choose one of the two options
• Attach supporting documents for your transport pass/season ticket, as follows:
- either during the annual campaign if you have an annual or monthly pass for the Greater Paris region;
- or every month before the 10th of the month if you have a weekly pass or a ticket for outside Greater Paris.
The documents must be submitted to the platform before April 4.
Who is eligible
The partial refund of public transport costs and sustainable mobility payment apply to all staff who have an employment contract with the Institut Pasteur (this may be a permanent, fixed-term, work-study or dual-education contract), as well as interns, with no minimum service requirement.
• If you choose option 1: public transport costs continue to be refunded in the same way, on a monthly basis (as long as you have submitted your signed statement and supporting document(s) to the Payroll Department).
• If you choose option 2: the sustainable mobility payment will be paid in monthly installments of €15 (a total of €180 per year).
To find out more