March 12, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Though of great importance, the sizing, counting and molecular profiling of individual viral particles and extracellular vesicles (EVs) are technically challenging due to their nanoscale particle size, minute quantity of analytes, and overall heterogeneity. NanoFCM has developed Nano-Flow Cytometry (nFCM), a technology that allows light scattering and fluorescence detection of single virions or EVs down to 40 nm.
nFCM-based approach for quantitative multiparameter analysis of these biological nanoparticles, which is highly desirable to decipher their biological functions and promote the development of EV-based liquid biopsy and therapeutics, or to improve viral preparations quality and vaccine production.
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Automated microscopy and screening are increasingly employed in biomedical and pharmaceutical research for the large-scale phenotypic analysis of biological specimens. This has led to many solutions for various assay needs and also often to complex setups, limiting use to expert staff. To address this issue, ACQUIFER has developed a novel and easy-to-use high content screening platform.
In this seminar, we will present the ACQUIFER Imaging Machine, an automated microscope following a unique opto-mechanical design rendering it ideal for imaging non-adherent, motion sensitive or large specimens. “
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