March 16, 2018
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
Until now Chinese scientists had a very restricted access to MOOCs from Western countries. This was the case for Pasteur MOOCs since FUN and COURSERA, the two platforms on which Pasteur MOOCs are diffused were not readily available in China.
FUN is now establishing a contract with a Chinese platform, XuetangX, founded by the Tsinghua University in Beijing working on Edx.
The first French MOOC to be diffused by XuetangX should be the Pasteur MOOC Tuberculosis. This MOOC is already diffused on FUN since the end of January 2018 and has met great success with more than 4 500 students registered from 151 countries. This MOOC has been produced in collaboration with the Center for Chronic Disease Control of the Nanshan province in Shenzhen. The Nanshan CCDC is taking care of the translation in Mandarin of the presentation page of the MOOC and of the MCQs used for the evaluation of students, as well as the Chinese subtitles of the videos.
Multi resistant tuberculosis is frequent in China and represents a serious health problem. The MOOC should therefore attract many Chinese scientists, medical practitioners and health agencies workers. Other MOOCs of the Institut Pasteur should also be of great interest for Chinese such as that on Resistance to antibacterial agents, just open to registrations on FUN, and the one on HIV that should be produced in June.