IT Portal evolution: discover all the new features

The IT portal is a platform through which to make your IT requests: equipment rental, application requests, workstation problems, and more. To better meet your expectations and improve your user experience, the IT Department has made changer to its portal.


The new features


To connect to this portal, you need to enter the following address on your browser, and connect with your Pasteur login.

Among the new features, the ergonomics of the platform has been greatly improved. You will be finding the following features:

•    All IT services that you can request.

•    Easy and quick creation of a ticket for all you request.

•    Monitoring the progress of your requests daily.

•    IT news such as a new service, a planned maintenance, and more.


About the IT deployment


Regarding deployment, you will be able to consult the details of your requests for computer equipment (new equipment, renewal, and return). Just click on the "deployment" tab. To help you with your next requests, please consult the Deployment Help Sheet.


Your contact


If you have a malfunction or a technical question, contact the IT le support at the following address or by phone 3600.

