Media Library

The latest news

  • Information for research organizations on the new distribution procedure for the Proceedings of the French Academy of Sciences



The Comptes rendus, or Proceedings, of the French Academy of Sciences were first introduced in 1835 to facilitate the rapid distribution of the Academy's research among the international scientific community. However, the Academy now believes that current scientific publication models can no longer guarantee the fair, rapid distribution of high quality information. It has published a report on the current challenges facing scientific publication and has decided to change the format in which it distributes all the sections that make up its Proceedings.

Since January 1, 2016, the paper edition has been replaced by an exclusively online edition, some of which is available on an open access basis:

• articles by authors affiliated to a French institution or laboratory are published in full, with open access worldwide and no article processing charges;

• as soon as these articles are published they can be archived in HAL (or any other open archive).


Find out more


  • Training session: Impact factor and Journal Citation Reports (JCR)

The science media library is running a training session from 2 to 4pm on Thursday, April 7, entitled "Impact factor and Journal Citation Reports (JCR)".

Have you ever got stuck trying to find the impact factor of a journal or compare it with other journals from the same discipline? This training session will help you find your way around the Web of Science module JCR (Journal Citation Reports) and get to grips with the different indicators used in this tool.

Don't stress - just sign up.

This training session (in French) is open to everyone. It will take place in training room 15.02.10 of the science media library on the second floor of the CIS.

To sign up
