
Lecture/debate on March 13, 2025: Hearing & Cognitive Disorders 

On Thursday March 13, from 2 to 5pm, the reConnect Institute, a foundation under the aegis of the Institut Pasteur, will be hosting an event at the Hearing Institute, an Institut Pasteur center in Paris' 12th arrondissement, to explore the link between hearing and cognitive disorders.

The event is organized by France Alzheimer with Sound Week, the reConnect Institute and Brain Awareness Week.  

  • Lectures by experts

"Overcompressed music and hearing deviation" with Christian Hugonnet, acoustic engineer and CNAM graduate, President of Sound Week

•  "The auditory vascular system: the missing link in the relationship between hearing loss and an increased risk of neurodegenerative disease?" with Nicolas Michalski, head of the Plasticity of Central Auditory Circuits team at the Hearing Institute

• "Hearing loss and cognitive disorders: interactions between aging, hearing and cognition" with Xavier Perrot, a university lecturer/consultant at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 / Hospices Civils de Lyon / Lyon Neuroscience Research Center

•  "What can artificial intelligence teach us about the links between sensorineural hearing loss and Alzheimer's?" with Arnaud Attyé, PhD in biotechnology, founder and CEO of GeodAIsics, member of the Board of the French Society of Neuroradiology 

  • Round table and discussions with participants

The event is free but prior registration is required

Find out more (in French)
