May 15, 2020
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
In the May 5 edition of the newsletter, to keep us all involved and connected as we continue together on this shared journey, we asked you to send us your new creations together with the slogan "Let's keep in touch! #PasteuriansTogether."
Thanks to everyone who "hand"-ed over their contributions to this new challenge!
Check out the new montage compiled from your inspired ideas.
With measures to ease the lockdown now in place and the gradual resumption of activities, we are entering a new phase. More Institut Pasteur employees are now working on campus, but many are still working from home. So what if, together, we were able to rise to a new challenge and create a bridge between remote and on-site Pasteurians as a way of further catalyzing the Institut Pasteur's efforts?
Watch this space for more details, but in the meantime get ready to "pass on the message to your neighbor"!