November 10, 2021
Bulletin interne de l'Institut Pasteur
As announced on October 15 by the PBRP Committee in connection with the resumption of activities on campus, the new agreement on working from home has been in force since November 1.
- The special measure allowing staff to work from home for up to 3 days a week no longer applies.
- The month of November is a transitional period during which requests will be processed gradually by the Human Resources Department.
In practice
If you are eligible to work from home, depending on your preferred home working arrangement, you should use:
- the Career Portal (Talentsoft) for requests for regular home working (so that an addendum to your employment contract can be drawn up);
- the new "Home working" category in the HR Portal for requests to work from home on an occasional basis. We would remind you that requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and that they are subject to your manager's approval.
The main points of the new agreement
The new agreement on working from home was signed on June 22 with all the trade unions. The agreement addresses the various needs and expectations of the Institut Pasteur community and reflects a commitment to improve the quality of working life by both encouraging team spirit and facilitating the balance between working and private life.
Under the agreement, three options for remote working are now possible for eligible staff at the Institut Pasteur:
• working from home on a regular basis;
• working from home on an occasional basis;
• working from home on a hybrid basis (both regular and occasional).
Various types of remote working are also available for employees in specific situations (maternity, disability, illness or thesis writing).
Help and support
• Feel free to speak to your local HR contacts
• To find out more and see whether you are eligible, go to the 2021 Webcampus page on home working, which contains a series of relevant resources including the agreement on working from home, the FAQ, presentations and a practical guide
• If you have any questions about the forms on the Career Portal (Talentsoft) or the HR Portal, please email