Human resources

Annual appraisals and career development reviews begin on November 20: note the dates of the appraisal period and information meetings

This year's annual appraisals and career development reviews will take place from Monday November 20 to January 26, 2024 (online forms involving promotion requests will need to be approved by January 9, 2024 at the latest).

We would remind you that the annual appraisal campaign includes:
• annual appraisals,
• promotion requests for non-scientific staff ("Compro" – forms also have to be completed for staff wishing to advance from technician to engineer status),
• career development reviews, with detailed career development reviews for employees with more than six years of service (legal obligations).

The appraisal campaign applies to all staff at the Institut Pasteur, except for those on fixed-term contracts of less than six months, PhD students and contract workers. Since 2022, all postdoctoral fellows have also received an appraisal as part of the campaign.

The forms will be available online via the Career Portal (Talentsoft) from Monday November 20.


Help and guidance

•  There will be an information session for all staff. It will be held via Teams on Thursday November 23 at 11am.

Click here to access the session
•  With regard to training needs in particular, the Training team will be running a webinar on Tuesday November 28, from 11am to 12 noon, to explain the various training possibilities available.

Click here to join the webinar

•  A Teams meeting for unit heads and managers will also be held on Tuesday November 21, from 11am to 12 noon, via Teams. The link to access the meeting has been sent by email to the individuals concerned.


Find out more

Your local HR contact is available to answer any questions you may have and provide support and guidance throughout the appraisal period.

Further details about appraisals and career development reviews (a guide, FAQ and practical instructions) can be found on the intranet from November 17.
