
Second ATC Drug Discovery & Screening Symposium on December 7

The ATC Drug Discovery & Screening (ATC–DDS) fosters multidisciplinary and translational collaborative seed projects between IP research laboratories and the Core Facility PF-CCB to federate all workforces (biologists and chemists) around Drug Discovery & Screening. Through therapeutic development it aims to tackle a large variety of diseases covered by the Institut Pasteur 2019-2023 Strategic Plan: emerging infectious diseases such as Covid-19, antimicrobial resistance (bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites...), neurological disorders and cancer.

The ATC Drug discovery & Screening team is happy to invite you to the 2nd Drug Discovery & Screening Symposium “From Bench to Drug Discovery” which will be held on December 7, 2023 (9am to 4pm) on the Institut Pasteur campus in Auditorium François Jacob.

The symposium is open to all and will follow-up on the Drug Discovery & Screening activities at Institut Pasteur by presentations of research projects with therapeutic impact related to drug development.

The event is free but prior registration is required.

Sign up here

Deadline for registration: November 29, 2023

The symposium is open to external participants, please feel free to spread the word !

Find out more

ATC-DDS Scientific Organization Committee
Fabrice Agou, Nienke Buddelmeijer and SAB members

Information and contact:
